PT PLN (Persero) has succeeded in providing non-stop 24-hour electricity access for 494 families in 25 villages in South Sulawesi.

The presence of electricity was marked by the symbolic electric lighting in Ilan Batu Uru Village, West Walenrang District, Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi on Wednesday, September 4.

PLN President Director, Darmawan Prasodjo said, the presence of electricity is a tangible manifestation of PLN's commitment to support the Government to increase national electrification.

PLN also provided non-stop 24-hour electricity as a gift for residents of 25 villages in South Sulawesi to coincide with National Customer Day 2024.

"This is a tangible manifestation of the state being present for our brothers in the 3T region. This is also in line with the state's presence in carrying out energy justice in line with the fifth principle of Pancasila and PLN will continue to strive for the development of access to electricity to the end of the country," said Darmawan, Saturday, September 7.

General Manager of PLN Main Distribution Unit of South Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi and West Sulawesi (UID Sulselrabar), Budiono, explained, to deliver electricity in 25 villages, PLN built a number of infrastructures. Among others, the 64.48 kilometer Central Voltage Network (JTM), the 64.83 kms Low Voltage Network (JTR), and 24 units of distribution substations with a total capacity of 1,250 kiloVolt Ampere (KVA).

"This achievement also succeeded in increasing the Electrification Ratio in South Sulawesi until July 2024 by 99.99 percent," he said.

Budiono also revealed the struggle of the PLN team in electrifying 25 villages that have geographical challenges and access to limited infrastructure. However, this does not hinder PLN's commitment to providing electricity to remote areas.

"We have gone through extreme weather, and all of that was done to electrify our brothers and sisters in remote hamlets of South Sulawesi. Electricity is currently a primary need for the community. We are committed to continuing to accelerate the equitable distribution of electricity to the 3T region so that it can improve welfare, and children can learn at night," Budiono said.

Budiono appreciated the support of the government and the community in the process of mobilizing PLN materials. He believes the 24-hour electricity from PLN will improve the local economy.

"With this, we hope that this electricity will bring positive changes in everyday life, and can open up new opportunities to develop the local economy," he concluded.

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