JAKARTA - PT Surveyor Indonesia signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Sam Ratulangi University, Manado directly at the Auditorium of the Faculty of Engineering. The Memorandum of Understanding was signed by the President Director of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Sandry Pasambuna and the Chancellor of Sam Ratulangi University, Oktovian Berty Alexander Sompie. Also present and signing the Memorandum of Understanding as a derivative of the Memorandum of Understanding is the Director of Human Resources of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Lussy Ariani Seba and the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Sam Ratulangi University, Fabian J. Manoppo.

This cooperation agreement is part of the company's commitment to support the improvement of human resource development through involvement in the implementation of higher education, as well as an effort to encourage the fulfillment of sustainable development goals (SDGs) number 4 and 17 concerning Quality Education and Partnerships to Achieve Goals, as well as the desire to be present within the academic scope to support the achievement of Tri Dharma Universities.

The scope of this agreement includes the involvement of companies in increasing competence in academics as well as being practical through internship programs, public lectures, and increasing human resource capacity.

President Director of PT Surveyor Indonesia revealed that commitment to education must be considered by more national corporations, and emphasized the importance of joint progress between academics and practitioners.

"Strong and mutual support relations between academics and practitioners like this must continue to be committed, so that progress can be realized that is progressive and mutual support in the higher education ecosystem, as well as the development of human resources that produce generations with a strong academic basis but at the same time have technical or practical skills or reliability that can be applied within the professional scope," Sandry said, in a written statement, Friday, September 6.

Sam Ratulangi University Chancellor, Oktovian Berty Alexander Sompie also voiced his support for corporate involvement in academia.

"Currently, changes in the world of work are running very fast, unlike campuses that have their own speed, because of this, more adaptive and flexible universities are needed with the world of work, business, industrial world, and with various advances and developments that occur in the world of work, business and the world of industry. So that cooperation with PTSI can support all the programs that have been launched," he explained.

In line with this, the Director of Human Resources of PT Surveyor Indonesia, Lussy Ariani Seba also ensured that the company would continue to be present to support the strengthening of national higher education.

"This commitment is not the first time for us, apart from Sam Ratulangi University, we also have a very good relationship with Telkom University, Bogor Agricultural University, Halu Oleo University, and Hasanuddin University. This commitment is important for us as a testing, Inspection, and Certification company that is strongly influenced by human resource competence, and campuses are the most appropriate places to develop academic and practical competence," he concluded.

Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Sam Ratulangi University, Fabian J. Manoppo also conveyed a similar message regarding the good relationship between academics and industry players.

"The development of human resources within this university is very thorough and has a very good impact on lecturers, students, and also employees. This good activity is the result of collaboration and good relations between Sam Ratulangi University and PTSI," he said.

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