JAKARTA - Indef Senior Economist Didik J Rachbini recalled the figure of the late Faisal Basri who died on Thursday, September 5, at 03.50 WIB, at Mayapada Hospital, Kuningan Jakarta at the age of 65.

Didik expressed his loss from the figure of the late Faisal Basri who was idealistic and had great integrity.

"We miss Faisal Basri, the economist founder of Indef is already widely known, an idealistic figure and has great integrity. Faidal is often seen as an idealistic figure, with strong principles about how the economy and politics must be managed for the public interest," he explained in a written statement, Thursday, September 5.

On the other hand, Didik recalled the moment 7 years ago in the limited editor-in-chief forum.

Didik discussed with Muhaimin Iskandar who spoke about the situation that the opposition was nil. Muhaimin said that only Faisal Basri stood up and spoke loudly criticizing Jokowi's government which began to become authoritarian. Jokowi began to display a tyrannical figure but was perfectly hidden.

Didik said that Faisal Basri was a firm and brave figure in fighting for democratic values, transparency, accountability, and justice in Indonesia's economy and politics.

Although he does not hold formal positions in parties or governments, Didik conveyed that Faisal Basri, his work as an academic or political economic activist, has had a major impact on encouraging reform and improvement of policies and democracy at large in Indonesia.

Didik said that together with Faisal Basri, Fadhil Hasan, Didin Damanhuri, and Nawir Messi, they were involved in building Indef, aputated, critical and progressive institution in assessing Indonesia's economic policies.

Faisal's view of himself is no different, the similarity of views in terms of economic analysis independence and the desire to encourage fairer economic reform and pro-people.

"But Faisal is bolder, clearer and clearer so he is not strange like the candidate politician Muhaimin who was in the coalition in the 1st period of Jokowi's government regretted democracy that was absent from opposition," he said.

Didik conveyed that Faisal and other economists in Indef such as Didin Damanhuri, Faisal both put forward sustainable and fair economic principles.

Sharing vision in terms of reforming economic policies that are in favor of the welfare of the lower class.

Didik conveyed that what was even more impressive than Faisal Basri's personality was independent and anti-corruption. Nothing can affect the views and firmness of his thoughts.

"Always critical of government policies and do not hesitate to voice different opinions, even though they are not popular. He often shows an independent attitude in his analysis and is not bound by the interests of certain political parties. Also regrets that the KPK has been suppressed by the government and parliament," he said.

Didik added that Faisal Basri, a very simple figure, had a big contribution in fighting for transparency and accountability in the world of Indonesian economy and politics.

As one of the founders of Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW), he often speaks out loud about the importance of eradicating corruption in Indonesia, especially in the economic and government sectors.

"In the academic field, Faisal Basri is also respected as an economic lecturer at the University of Indonesia (UI), and established the Think Tank Indef institution with teaching and researching economic issues with a focus on economic development and public policy," he explained.

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