PT PLN (Persero) through its subsidiary, PLN Batam together with PT Aruna Cahaya Pratama (Aruna PV) officially operates the largest ground-mounted Solar Power Plant (PLTS) in Indonesia with a capacity of 100 Megawatt peak (MWp) in the Bukit Indah City Industrial Estate (KBI), Purwakarta Regency, West Java.

This PLTS stands on an area of 80 hectares and is operated by PT Aruna Hijau Power (AHP), joint venture_ between PLN Batam and Aruna PV. This PLTS is also estimated to be able to produce 150 GWh of clean energy per year or equivalent to a reduction in emissions of 118,725 tons of CO2.

The Director General of Electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Jisman P Hutajulu welcomed the fast steps taken by PLN and AHP in the construction of ground-mounted PLTS in Purwakarta.

According to him, the inauguration of this PLTS is a new milestone in Indonesia's energy transition efforts towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.

"I think this PLTS is a power plant that we really hope for in the future. We hope that the success of this PLTS development can provide optimal benefits and become a role model for the industrial sector and other business estate holders," said Jisman, quoted on Friday, August 30.

PLN President Director Darmawan Prasodjo explained, as the backbone of the energy transition in the country, PLN is committed to supporting the development of the domestic industrial sector using green electricity in its operations.

He sees that this effort is in line with the government's energy transition roadmap in achieving Net Zero Emissions (NZE) in 2060 or sooner.

"Electricity is the heart of the economy in Indonesia. On its way, currently PLN not only flows reliable electricity but is also committed to meeting the needs of green electricity for industries in the country. This is a manifestation of PLN's commitment to the state to be a pioneer in the use of renewable and sustainable energy sources," he said.

In addition to collaborating with AHP, in this PLTS project, PLN is also supported by PT Tatajabar Sejahtera (TJS) as an offtaker and PT Besland Pertiwi as the owner of the project land.

According to Darmawan, this collaboration is a form of collaboration between the government, BUMN, and the private sector in realizing energy resilience through increasing the use of EBT.

Darmawan is optimistic that the operation of this PLTS will create a substantial economic impact that can create many jobs, open up business opportunities, and support economic growth, especially in the Bukit Indah City Industrial Estate and its surroundings.

Meanwhile, AHP President Director Adi Dhanmanto expressed his gratitude for completing the largest ground-mounted PLTS project in Indonesia ahead of the target, which was around seven months.

"As a developer, we and the team have the principle that this project must be carried out wholeheartedly, by fulfilling promises not only to stakeholders but also to the Indonesian people. We are committed that we will be one of PLN's partners who play a role in the transition to new and renewable energy," said Adi.

President Director of TJS, Kuky Permana said that the electricity supply was clean from PLTS in accordance with electricity needs in the Bukit Indah City Industrial area. The reason is, the use of electricity in industrial areas is in accordance with the characteristics of PLTS electricity production.

He detailed that currently there are 244 customers with an average peak load on weekdays ranging from 126 Megawatts (MW).

Meanwhile, on holidays and Saturdays, it fell to approximately 70 MW.

"We are also proud to be able to participate in this strategic project which is part of the government's program in order to achieve NZE in 2060. For that, I would like to express my highest gratitude to the central government, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, local governments as well as PLN and its staff who have provided great support to this strategic project," concluded Kuky.

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