The business entity of the Indonesian Port BUMN (Pelindo) PT Jasa Armada Indonesia Tbk (IPCM) noted that revenue until the first semester of 2024 was IDR 598.8 billion.

This figure is up 5.5 percent from IDR 567.6 billion in the same period the previous year.

IPCM President Director Shanti Puruhita explained that the company's strategy to boost the revenue sector from businesses outside Pelindo Group could keep IPCM's financial performance stable.

"Our efforts to improve operational performance with strategic partners continue to show results that are in line with expectations. Our expansion in Eastern Indonesia has also shown potential income that is getting better and increasing," Shanti said on the Public Expose Live agenda online, Thursday, August 29.

The largest contribution of revenue was obtained from ship delay services amounting to Rp512.2 billion or 85.5 percent of total revenue.

Meanwhile, the contribution of transportation services and others was 8.1 percent or IDR 48.8 billion.

Pendapatan jasa penundahan kapal khusus pada Terminal Khusus (Tersus) mengalami peningkatan yang cukup signifikan, yakni 27,7 persen atau sebesar Rp183,2 miliar dibanding periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya senilai Rp143,5 miliar.

This is supported by increased performance in several existing operating areas and new operating areas in eastern Indonesia. The public port also increased by 14.7 percent to Rp250.9 billion from the previous Rp218.7 billion on an annual basis or year on year (yoy).

Then the Terminal for Own Interest (TUKS) also increased 9.6 percent to Rp115.8 billion from the previous Rp105.6 billion yoy.

IPCM also experienced a significant increase in asset revenue from IDR 1.52 trillion or around 4.4 percent from the position at the end of 2023 to 1.59 trillion in the first half of 2024.

This was supported by an increase in the company's current assets by 10.8 percent from Rp899.6 billion at the end of December 2023 to Rp986.3 billion at the end of June 2024 which was in line with revenue growth.

"Overall, IPCM shows consistent growth in net profit, income and assets and has succeeded in attracting more retail investors since 2019," said IPCM Finance, HR and Risk Management Director Dessy Emastari Prihatiningtyas.

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