JAKARTA - Construction issuer, PT Pembangunan Perumahan (Persero) Tbk (PTPP) managed to obtain a new contract of IDR 17.38 trillion until August 25, 2024. The target is to reach IDR 32 trillion by the end of this year.

"In the remaining four months, we remain optimistic that the company's target of obtaining a new contract of up to Rp32 trillion will be achieved," said PTPP Finance Director Agus Purbianto at the 2024 Public Expose, Wednesday, August 28.

Agus said the new project obtained by the company until August 2024 was the largest obtained from 38 percent of government projects, followed by 24 percent of SOEs and 38 percent of the private sector. Meanwhile, the target until the end of this year's composition will change, namely the SOE project is estimated to reach 40 percent, 38 percent of the government and 22 percent of the private sector.

Meanwhile, for the first eight months of 2023, the company's new contract reached IDR 22.56 trillion, which was obtained from the private sector 48 percent, the government 36 percent and BUMN 16 percent.

When viewed from the project locations obtained by the company per island, Agus said, the total reached 105 projects, of which Java Island obtained 52 projects, followed by Kalimantan 24 projects, followed by Sulawesi 9 projects, Sumatra, Bali and Nusa Tenggara 7 projects each, Papua and Maluku 4 projects and abroad, especially in the Philippines 2 projects.

"Especially for projects in the Philippines, the company is building MRT and for Kalimantan the most are projects in IKN," he said.

He added that the company during 2024 will also divest IDR 1 trillion which is obtained from holding 55 percent and subsidiary 45 percent, mostly in the infrastructure sector 63 percent as well as factory and equipment properties of 37 percent.

The divestment targets to be carried out are PT Ultra Mandiri Telekomunikasi with 100 percent, PT PP Infrastruktur 48 percent, PT PP Semarang Demak 24.10 percent and PT Celebes Railway Indonesia 47.81 percent.

"Divestasi merupakan strategi perusahaan yang fokus ke bisnis utama konstruksi," ucapnya.

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