JAKARTA - PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk or BTN opened the door for Muhammadiyah to become one of the shareholders of BTN Syariah in the future. BTN has also established communication with Muhammadiyah regarding this matter.

President Director of BTN Nixon Napitupulu explained that the opportunity for cooperation between BTN and Muhammadiyah is still in the initial assessment stage. This means that Muhammadiyah has not met any conditions to become a shareholder of BTN Syariah.

"Indeed, with Muhammadiyah we have business cooperation talks. Including several possibilities for share ownership cooperation. Indeed, this is just an initial assessment, not too far away," Nixon said in a virtual Public Expose Live press conference, written Wednesday, August 28.

Nixon estimates that with BTN Syariah cooperating with Muhammadiyah, the potential for sharia is getting bigger. This is because Muhammadiyah has a wide network ranging from schools, hospitals, to educational institutions.

"Asked why Muhammadiyah? Yes, because the potential for Muhammadiyah sharia transactions is large, ladies and gentlemen. Almost all of Indonesia has a Muhammadiyah network," he said.

For example, said Nixon, when talking about Muhammadiyah teaching staff, not a few could even reach millions. All of them, continued Nixon, needed the financing of people's housing loans (KPR). Therefore, he considered this potential very large.

"The teachers may also not only be hundreds of thousands, maybe there are millions of Muhammadiyah teachers who need KPRs, Muhammadiyah lecturers, Muhammadiyah hospital employees. That's all KPR, they need a house. Now that's also very big potential," he said.

According to Nixon, BTN Syariah and Muhammadiyah have also established cooperation in terms of transactions and placement of funds. Therefore, he considered that discussions related to the potential for cooperation were much easier.

"So far, cooperation has also been carried out with BTN Syariah, both transactions, placement of funds and so on. So the relatively speakers are much more fluid, much easier," he explained.

Meanwhile, BTN Finance Director Nofry Rony Poetra said BTN also proposed to be able to work together strategically.

"Anyone who enters sees two sides. They especially see that the performance of our UUS is very good, the potential is also great," he said.

"And we are also in choosing the other side, we also choose strategic partners, we also see what they will be able to bring to further develop the business of BTN Syariah in the future," he continued.

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