JAKARTA - Not only encouraging the use of green cement to support development projects at IKN, PT Semen Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (SIG) also pays attention to the competence of construction personnel at IKN. Together with the Directorate General of Construction of the Ministry of PUPR through the Regional Construction Services Center (BJKW) V Banjarmasin, GIS collaborates in organizing training and certification of construction personnel working on IKN development projects.

Training aims to strengthen the competence of construction personnel at IKN to be more skilled, professional and certified. Training materials include basic knowledge of cement materials, mortars, interlock bricks, concrete, work safety and health procedures (K3), effective and efficient construction methods, as well as the introduction of GIS products.

In addition, construction personnel are also given the opportunity to carry out the practice of installing interlocked bricks, to plastering walls. The certification activity which takes place on August 12-13, 2024, is carried out through an interview process, skill test, and direct observation in the field (on site).

Head of the BJKW V Implementation Section of Banjarmasin, Boma Rizkiko, positively welcomed and appreciated the GIS collaboration with the Ministry of PUPR through the Directorate General of Housing and the Directorate General of Construction Development in facilitating training and certification activities for construction workers.

"This activity is expected to provide knowledge and improvement of expertise for construction workers to work according to applicable procedures and standards, including maintaining K3 aspects. Hopefully, the training participants in the future will be able to show the best performance wherever they work," said Boma Rizkiko.

SIG Corporate Secretary, Vita Mahreyni said, the competence of construction personnel determines the quality of building construction. With the training that provides knowledge of this construction technique, SIG hopes to be born skilled, professional and certified construction personnel, to support development in Indonesia with the results of sturdy and sustainable building construction.

"Masifnya pembangunan di IKN, diprediksi akan mendongkrak sektor konstruksi di Kalimantan Timur dan daerah sekitarnya. Bekal pengetahuan tentang teknik konstruksi yang efektif dan efisien, pemilihan bahan bangunan yang ramah lingkungan, hingga tren yang berkembang di pasar, akan meningkatkan daya saing dan menjadi nilai tambah bagi tenaga konstruksi, yang pada akan akan memberikan kemudahan dalam mendapat pekerjaan," kata Vita Mahreyni, dalam keterangan tertulisnya, Senin 26 Agustus.

Sementara itu, Yono, 40 tahun, salah satu tenaga konstruksi peserta pelatihan yang saat ini bekerja pada proyek pembangunan rumah susun Paspampres di IKN, merasa bersyukur dan senang dapat mengikuti pelatihan karena banyak mendapatkan ilmu dan pengalaman baru. Misalnya tentang aspek K3, teknik konstruksi yang efektif, dan beragam produk bahan bangunan seperti bata interlock dari SIG yang menurutnya memberikan kemudahan dalam membangun rumah.

"This interlock brick product from GIS is very easy to use and doesn't need to use much material. It really helps people who want to build a house. Thank you SIG for giving me and my other friends the opportunity to take part in this activity," said Yono.

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