JAKARTA - The Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) seeks to formulate policies that continue to encourage the fulfillment of housing ownership needs to overcome housing backlogs through the One Million Houses Program.
Technological transformation continues to develop as the demands of various facilities by the community continue to grow in line with the increasing demand for livable houses.
So, what are the criteria for real livable houses?
Quoted from the official Instagram account of the Ministry of PUPR @kemenpupr, Monday, August 26, there are a number of criteria for livable houses according to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
First, the question of building resilience. The components of the structure and non-house structure meet the construction rules. Then use building materials with SNI.
Second, related to the area of the building. The floor area per person is 7.2 square meters. Third, sanitation. Sanitation must be available in each house with a sanitation goose neck jar connected to a wastewater disposal channel (SPAL)/septic tank which is sucked up at least once every 5 years.
Fourth, drinking water. Drinking water is expected not to taste, odorless and colorless. Drinking water can be available at least 12 hours a day. Then the distance from the house to the water source is a maximum of 30 minutes and drinking water does not contain microorganisms and heavy metals.
Fifth, namely the matter of lighting. Lighting must be at least 10 percent of the area of the floor. Finally, it is related to evaporation. Occupation must be at least 5 percent of the floor area.
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