JAKARTA - The 2024 Sustainability Outlook Corporate Event with the theme Transforming Future with ESG Revolution was successfully held at Soehanna Hall, Jakarta, Wednesday, August 21. This event is an important forum for industry leaders, ESG practitioners, as well as stakeholders to share insights and strategies in realizing a more sustainable future through the implementation of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance).

Olahkarsa, which collaborates with the Indonesia Corporate Secretary Association (ICSA), played an important role in organizing this event by presenting various stakeholders to discuss the crucial role of ESG in creating positive transformations in the corporate world.

In this event, various prominent speakers were also present to provide an in-depth view of the challenges and opportunities in implementing ESG in various industrial sectors. Namely Prof. Rhenald Kasali, Ph.D., Chairman of the Indonesian ESG Association, Katharine Grace Head of Corporate Secretary & Sustainability PT Bank Permata tbk, Edi Priyanto Director of Human Resources PT Pelindo Multi Terminal, Sudarmadi Widodo Human Capital & Corporate Communication Director Otsuka Group, Merry Andriati Surya - Head of the Communications and Literacy Division of TJSL PT Pegadaian, Lany Harijanti Regional Program Manager ASEAN GRI, Rony Suniyanto Djjomartono Head of Index and ESG Business Development Unit at the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX), Inka Prawirasasra Head of Communication & Sustainability Sintesa Group, Indah Budiani - Executive Director of Indonesia Business Council Sustainable Development (IBCSD).

Then Tiur Simamora - Corporate Secretary of PT Industry Jamu & Farmasi Sido Muncul tbk, Lastyo Kuntoaji Lukito, ST, MIP - Chairman of Association of Carbon Emission Specialists Indonesia (ACEXI), Ferro Ferizka Aryawanda - Executive Director of Pilar Foundation, Dr. Ir. Kiman Siregar, ST., MP., M.Si, P.U. - Chairman of the Indonesia Life Cycle Session Network (ILCAN), Tito Aribowo - Executive Director of Green Building Council Indonesia, Danial Ahmad - Manager of Sustainability Rating & Reporting PT Pertamina (Persero) and also Novia Arifin - Influencer and Founder of Cerisupi.

This event consisted of various activities that inspired all guests present, such as the Sustainability Leadership Forum and the Sustainable Business Exhibition. Also the launch of the Indonesia ESG Outlook Report 2024 which is a collaboration between Olahkarsa and ICSA in providing up-to-date reports and information about the implementation of ESG practices in the Indonesian business sector.

Head of Corporate Secretary & Sustainability of PT Bank Permata Tbk, Katharine Grace, who is also the General Chair of the Indonesia Corporate Secretary Association, in his speech said he was happy that ICSA could collaborate with Sports to promote a sustainable business ecosystem.

"Because sustainable development has become an international trend, and many countries are increasingly emphasizing the disclosure of environmental, social, and governance initiatives (ESG) by companies. ESG is quickly becoming a focal point for sustainable development as an investment concept and company assessment standards. We hope that sharing and discussion at Soehanna Hall will be beneficial for all participants," said Katharine.

Co-Founder & CEO of Olahkarsa, Unggul Ananta also expressed his views on this event.

"This event is proof that awareness and commitment to ESG are getting stronger among industry players. We are proud to be a part of contributing and will continue to encourage the implementation of the ESG as a whole for a better future," said Unggul.

Prof. Rhenald Kasali Ph.D, as a keynote speaker at Corporate Sustainability Outlook 2024, said that the event which is a forum for various parties to be more introspective of the development of ESG itself is very cool, as evidenced by the presence of various groups at this event, especially among young people.

Olahkarsa expressed deep gratitude to all parties who have contributed to the success of this event, including speakers, participants, sponsors, and all partners who have worked together in realizing the 2024 Sustainability Outlook Corporate as an inspirational forum that strengthens shared commitment to a more sustainable future.

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