JAKARTA - PT Sucorinvest Asset Management (Sucor AM) together with online media Infobank held a Journalism and Financial Literacy Training attended by hundreds of students at SMA Global Mandiri Cibubur, West Java, Tuesday, August 20, 2024.

Academic Coordinator of SMA Global Mandiri Rahma Hidayah welcomed the Journalism and Financial Literacy Training.

According to him, financial literacy has become an agenda for schools to provide understanding of financial planning and investment from an early age.

"Thus, students can be early and better in their daily financial arrangements, and not consumptive. They can make priorities as needed," he said.

"With understanding and knowledge related to planning or good arrangements from an early age, it is hoped that their lives will be better in the future. They can enjoy the life," he added.

In the Financial Literacy session, Investment Specialist Sucor Asset Management, Felisya Wijaya explained, the younger generation can now start investing easily. One of the options is mutual fund products.

"If mutual funds are more flexible because they are easily disbursed and can be chosen according to their respective risk profiles," he said.

Felisya detailed that there are currently four types of mutual fund products, including mutual money market funds, fixed income mutual funds, mutual funds, and mutual stock funds. The choice of mutual funds has their respective risk profiles.

If you tend to dare to take a higher risk, the choice can be mutual stock funds. Long term with high returns, the risk is also high," he said.

Sucor AM as a professional investment manager is ready to help manage an investment portfolio tailored to each risk profile.

Meanwhile, in the journalistic training session, Galih Pratama, Assistant for Redacturing Infobanknews gave a presentation of journalistic basics to students of SMA Global Mandiri Cibubur. Starting from understanding the basic concepts of journalism, journalistic products, to search engine optimization (SEO).

Director of Infobank Digital Apriyani Kurniasih said, Infobank Digital has a literacy roadshow program to campus and schools. This activity is indeed a concern for Infobank Digital together with financial service institution partners.

"This moment we get the opportunity at SMA Global Mandiri Cibubur, and get support from Sucorinvest Asset Management," he said.

With this activity, said Apriyani, it is hoped that students can get good insight into financial planning and investment.

With good financial planning and qualified investment, it is also hoped that students can have a brighter life.

"So it is not consumptive and in debt, and is not trapped in fraudulent or illegal investments," he explained.

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