Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani gave an explanation regarding the amount of the budget stipulated in the Draft State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (RAPBN) for the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN) which was considered too small.

For your information, the Ministry of Finance has set a budget of IDR 143.1 billion for IKN development.

Sri Mulyani mengungkapkan, jumlah tersebut masih berupa acuan dasar atau baseline sehingga masih ada ruang penambahan ke depan mengingat APBN saat ini merupakan APBN transisi.

"Yesterday the President was taken away (Prabowo) and President Jokowi had met, the cabinet meeting at IKN was already held. He has a commitment. However, because he still wants to see the entire APBN, we will see later, how much additional will be allocated," Sri Mulyani said at a press conference for the 2025 RAPBN, Friday, August 16.

Sri Mulyani said, there are several important infrastructures to attract investment that will certainly be a priority.

"Is the room how big it will be, the options that we can convey are based on the readiness of the institution," he said.

He added that the small budget prepared by the government was still considered reasonable because the decision would later be in the hands of the elected President Prabowo Subianto.

"That's why if you look at IKN, it's still small because everything isbaselined to give authority to the elected president according to his priority, he will discuss and convey," concluded Sri Mulyani.

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