JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the Joint Forum for the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN) or ForsaiKN, Faridah said IKN will become a future city for Generation Z and millennials, because it has been designed to meet the needs and aspirations of future generations.

"Gen Z and millennials are generations who will experience the results of the IKN development, because this development process will take a long time," he said in a statement received in Kupang, NTT, quoted from Antara, Friday, August 16.

Farida said the IKN development was designed to create a smart, inclusive and modern city, in accordance with the characteristics of the younger generation.

According to him, Generation Z is known as a generation that is digitally literate and has a good understanding of the ideal state concept.

"Gen Z friends are digitally literate and understand how a good country should be built. The government has succeeded in laying the basis for IKN with a concept that relates to the thought of Gen Z," explained Faridah.

Faridah appreciated the government under the leadership of President Joko Widodo who built IKN, not only focusing on physical infrastructure, but also paying attention to important values, including for the younger generation.

According to him, the development of IKN brings new hope for economic and social development in Indonesia, including for generation Z and millennials.

He added that with a new city designed in a modern and sustainable manner, it is hoped that there will be a surge in various sectors, including technology, education, and business.

"Gen Z and millennials, which will become the majority of the population in the future, will have the opportunity to develop and innovate in a specially designed environment to meet their needs," said Faridah.

On that occasion, ForsaiKN Secretary General Martin Uung said his party would support the current and future government so that IKN development can run smoothly and successfully.

He considered IKN as an important momentum that would put Indonesia on track towards achieving big vision in 2045.

"ForsaiKN not only focuses on the technical aspects of moving the capital city, but also opens space for scientific studies and breakthroughs to ensure this development is not only an administrative relocation, but also a major point of economic growth for Indonesia in the future," said Martin.

According to him, his party is a forum for collaboration that unites various elements of society, professionals, and individuals in joint efforts to realize Indonesia's 2045 vision.

Martin continued the long history of the development of the Republic of Indonesia since independence in 1945 shows extraordinary growth, with the projection that Indonesia will become one of the world's largest economic powers in 2045.

The projection reflects the belief that Indonesia will achieve the status of a high-income country in 2038, in accordance with the 2025-2045 RPJPN prepared by Bappenas.

"We believe that the success of IKN development really depends on the active role of all elements of society, including individuals, institutions, institutions, the government, and the private sector," said Martin.

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