JAKARTA - Every village in Penajam Paser Utara Regency, East Kalimantan that has an independent status will receive an award of IDR 100 million in the form of additional financial assistance from the local district government.

"This award is certainly an impetus for the village government to improve its status from developing to progressing, then becoming independent", said the Executive Head of the North Penajam Paser District (DPMD) Office for Community and Village Empowerment Usep Supriatna in Penajam, quoted from Antara, Thursday, March 25. .

Financial assistance worth IDR 100 million, he said, is not just a discourse, but has been proven to three villages in the regency that have independent status, namely Babulu Darat, Giri Mukti, and Sukaraja Villages.

These three villages this year received additional financial assistance of IDR 100 million because they already have achievements, namely in 2020 they received the title of an independent village as a result of an assessment by the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Areas, and Transmigration (Kemendes PDTT).

Usep said that when he opened a meeting with village heads in North Penajam Paser along with local district Village Community Development and Empowerment Program (P3MD) Experts in the framework of the plan to form Village SDGs-based Data Update Volunteers.

In a meeting in the meeting room of DPMD Penajam Paser Utara, he also said that this year it is targeted that at least three more independent villages will be added so that a total of six villages will have independent status.

Furthermore, he said, until 2023 it is targeted that a total of 23 villages with independent status are targeted, so that the villages that are currently still in developing status will be upgraded to advanced, then upgraded to become independent.

"The current position of the Independent Village Index (IDM) of 30 villages in North Penajam Paser, there are three villages with independent status, nine villages with advanced status, and 18 villages with developing status. We will involve related parties to boost this IDM", said Usep.

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