JAKARTA - PT Trans Jabar Tol will adjust the Ciawi-Sukabumi Toll Road Section 1 (Ciawi-Cigombong) tariff on August 7, 2024 starting at 00.00 WIB.

This tariff adjustment was made based on the Decree of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Number 1661/KPTS/M/2024 dated July 12, 2024.

President Director of PT Trans Jabar Tol Abdul Hakim Supriyadi said that this adjustment was in accordance with existing regulations. This has also been regulated in Article 48 paragraph (3) of Law Number 38 of 2004 concerning Roads and Article 68 paragraph (1) of Government Regulation (PP) Number 15 of 2005 concerning Toll Roads.

"In addition, we have also carried out active duties and fulfillment of minimum service standards (SPM) as a condition for the increase in tariffs from the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT)," said the Judge in a written statement quoted on Monday, August 5.

With the tariff adjustment in Section 1 Ciawi-Cigombong, toll road users with class I vehicles from the Ciawi Interchange (SS) to Ciawi will be charged a tariff of IDR 2,500, as well as class II and III vehicles from the same origin and destination will be charged IDR 3,500.

Then, class IV and V vehicles will be charged a tariff of IDR 4,500.

Class I road users from the Caringin Utama and Caringin Toll Gate to the Cigombong Toll Gate are charged a fare of IDR 19,000.

Meanwhile, class II and III vehicles with the same route will be charged IDR 28,000, while class IV and V will be subject to a tariff of IDR 37,500 and vice versa.

Given the importance of this road, the judge said that his party would continue to make improvements and maintenance in order to improve services to Bocimi Toll users.

"The increase in services is carried out in order to provide security, comfort and safety to toll road users," he said.

It is known that the Ciawi-Sukabumi Toll Road is an infrastructure that can provide great benefits for the people of West Java, especially the Sukabumi area.

If previously the travel time from Ciawi to Cigombong took up to 1.5 hours, now it can be cut significantly to 10 to 15 minutes.

The existence of the Ciawi-Sukabumi Toll Road can also increase connectivity so that it becomes an alternative to efficient logistics distribution routes from Sukabumi to Bogor and Jakarta.

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