JAKARTA - Director General of Customs and Excise at the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) Askolani said that his party had checked and reported the contents of the findings of 26 thousand containers that had been detained at Tanjung Priok and Tanjung Perak ports to the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin).

"Yes, we have reported it to the Ministry of Industry," Askolani told the media crew at the Customs and Excise Headquarters, Wednesday, July 31.

However, Askolani did not explain in more detail what the contents of the container were. However, he explained that there were illegal imported goods in the container and destruction had been carried out.

"What is illegal is that we destroy, it is there. So we will assist the container together according to the provisions," he said.

In addition, Askolani emphasized that the containers that will enter Indonesia are based on the Import Approval (PI) of the Ministry of Trade and Technical Considerations and the Ministry of Industry. If these two things are not found, the containers are prohibited from entering Indonesia.

Meanwhile, Askolani explained that all containers had been screened by person in charge (PIC) and were clean and clear. And regarding the fate of containers that do not pass the verification, they will be sent back to their country of origin or destroyed.

"So all screening by PIC, if everything is clear and clean, then we can (enter), which one can pass which one then we tell which re-export then we destroy," he said.

Previously, the Minister of Industry (Menperin) Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said that his party was looking for the contents of the 26,415 containers that had been held at Tanjung Priok Port, Jakarta and Tanjung Perak, Surabaya. The reason is, if it is an item, it can make local products squeezed because they lose to compete in price.

"If you follow the container issue, it is stated that there were 26,000 containers at that time that could not get out of the port. We as industry coaches have an interest in knowing what the contents of the 26,000 containers are. We are obliged to prepare or mitigate goods that enter the country," said Minister of Industry Agus in his remarks at the Government Regulation Socialization event Number 20 of 2024 concerning Industrial Region at the Ministry of Industry office which was monitored online, Tuesday, July 9.

But unfortunately he admitted that he did not know the contents of the container. His party has asked several parties, such as the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani. However, there is no immediate answer.

"That's what we are looking for to know, if 100-200 tons may not be too big, but because 26,000 (containers) are a very large number. What are raw materials or finished goods? We have asked the relevant parties (Menkeu Sri Mulyani). Yes, but it has not been responded to," he said.

Therefore, Agus said, his party suggested that the new regulation regarding Permendag 36/2023 be valid again to replace Permendag Number 8 of 2024 concerning Import Policy and Regulation.

"We also propose to the president to return to Permendag 36/2023 and the president said to be reviewed immediately. Because in our view Permendag 36 is the most ideal. There is nothing in this world that is perfect, but at least because there is a Pertek (Technical Consideration) that regulates the traffic of imported goods entering Indonesia," he explained.

According to Agus, Permendag 8 is considered not to match the expectations of industry players because it creates uncertainty. Thus, changes to Permendag, whether intentionally or not, basically confuse industry players.

"Based on official input from industry players or associations, the regulation is considered not to support the domestic industry, it is considered to kill the domestic industry. Because the domestic industry will find it very difficult to deal with the onslaught of imported goods, which is basically very cheap," he said.

The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) reported an update on the completion of containers held at Tanjung Priok Port and Tanjung Perak Port. As of May 26, 16,451 containers or 62.3 percent of the total detained 26,415 containers at the two ports have been completed.

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