The high rainfall that has occurred over the last few days in North Maluku has caused the Kobe River and several other rivers to overflow, so that a number of villages in Central Halmahera have been hit by floods. This flood has caused significant disruption and damage, thus requiring a quick and coordinated response from various parties.

In response to this disaster, the field team PT Indonesia Weda Bay Industrial Park (IWIP) immediately took an emergency response action to ensure that the basic needs of flood-affected residents can be met.

PT IWIP has provided assistance in the form of various basic needs such as food, beverages, to health support facilities for affected communities. Among them, PT IWIP provides oxygen cylinders for the Waibulen Health Center and medicines in Sawai Itepo Village, Weda Tengah District.

"PT IWIP will continue to coordinate with related parties to overcome this incident and help restore the condition of the community and the village as soon as possible," said Wahyu Budhi Santoso (Yudhi), GM External Relations IWIP, in his statement, Tuesday, July 30.

According to PT IWIP records, there were around 1,668 residents in Central Halmahera who were affected by the flood and fled to various posts, including the Mako Brimob Command Post, the Leleilef Waibulan Mosque Command Post, the CV Sowaner Command Post, the Misappropriation Command Post. 1 Mr. Abdon, the SP 1 Command Post. Waterboom Park, the SP 4 Block A Command Post, and the SP 4 Block B Command Post.

In realizing a strong commitment to support and contribute to the community, PT IWIP cooperates with all stakeholders in supporting recovery efforts and increasing community resilience to disasters in the future.

"PT IWIP will focus on ensuring that the recovery of community conditions can take place as soon as possible. After that, we will coordinate again to prepare steps so that things like this don't happen again," continued Yudhi.

The handling of this disaster was carried out by collaborating directly with the local government of Central Halmahera Regency through the Acting Regent of Central Halmahera Ikram M Sangadji, as well as TNI and Brimob officers who were tasked with providing assistance and evacuating affected residents.

"We hope that this assistance can ease the burden on the affected communities and help the recovery process take place faster. PT IWIP is committed to continuing to actively participate in supporting the community and making a positive contribution to the surrounding environment," concluded Yudhi.

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