JAKARTA - Pertamax Turbo Drag Fest 2nd round successfully held at Wiriadinata Airfield, Tasikmalaya on 27-28 July 2024.

Not only is it a place to show the skills of automotive lovers, Pertamax Turbo Drag Fest is also a place to prove Pertamax Turbo's superiority as a mainstay fuel for high-performance vehicles.

This lively event was attended by 324 Drag Bike participants and 169 Drag Race participants and more than 5,500 people attended and enthusiastically watched the Pertamax Turbo Drag Fest 2024 event in Tasikmalaya.

Pertamax Turbo Drag Fest 2024 round 2 in Tasikmalaya opened directly by the Sales Area Manager Retail Sales Bandung Pertamina Patra Niaga, Sindhu Priyo Windoko together with the Commander of the Wiriadinata Airfield, Lt. Col. (Pnb) Taufik Agus Hidayat and the Chairperson of IMI Tasikmalaya, H. Tantan Soniawan.

Pjs. Pertamina Patra Niaga's Corporate Secretary, Heppy Wulansari, said that the implementation of the Pertamax Turbo Drag Fest is a tangible manifestation of Pertamina Patra Niaga's commitment to supporting the development of the automotive world in Indonesia.

"We believe that by providing high-quality fuels such as Pertamax Turbo, we can help automotive fans to achieve the best performance of their vehicles. It is proven that participants in the second round have increased by more than 2 times where round I has 215 participants, currently in round II there are 493 participants. This shows a high interest in the Drag Race event like this, so of course we are committed to continuing to support various automotive activities that can inspire and improve skills and sportsmanship among the community," said Heppy.

As a fuel specifically designed for high-performance vehicles, Pertamax Turbo with Research Octane Number (RON) 98 ensures more perfect combustion and better acceleration.

In addition, Pertamax Turbo helps keep the engine clean and efficient, as well as reduce exhaust emissions, making it the right choice for those who want maximum and environmentally friendly performance.

Heppy added that at the Pertamax Turbo Drag Fest, the safety of participants was a major concern.

In collaboration with BPJS Employment, Pertamina Patra Niaga provides coverage guarantees during the race from IMI recommendations during the event for the participants.

"We are grateful and appreciate the community for their high enthusiasm to participate and attend this event. We also hope that this can be used by automotive lovers as a positive forum for working and channeling their hobbies," he concluded.

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