JAKARTA Pertamina Patra Niaga ensures that the distribution of subsidized fuel oil (BBM) is right on target and on quota by expanding the expansion of the data collection process for QR-based Pertalite users in the Java Madura Bali (jamali) region and several non-jamali areas, namely Riau Islands, NTT, Maluku, North Maluku, Gorontalo, East Kalimantan and North Kalimantan.

The implementation of full QR will be carried out in stages and is currently in the socialization and registration stage of registrants.

Pjs Corporate Secretary of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Central Java Regional, Heppy Wulansari revealed, such as the implementation of full cycles in Solar Subsidies, at the socialization and registration stage for Pertalite four-wheeled fuel users will be asked to register the Proper Subsidy Program through the subsidy website to be precise.mypertamina.id.

"Currently, the registration for the Proper Subsidy Program is still open. Consumers need to prepare documents that will later be uploaded through the website, namely KTP Photos, Self Photos, STNK Photos (appearing front and rear), overall visible Vehicle Photos, Photos of Vehicles in front of Police Numbers and KIR photos for KIR user vehicles," said Heppy.

At this stage, registration is focused on matching data between those registered by the public with the documents and vehicle data they have. Once the status is registered, the public will get a Unique QR Code that will be received via email or notification on the subsidy website to be precise.mypertamina.id.

"For the convenience of the community, QR Code can be printed out and taken to gas stations, so it is not mandatory to download the MyPertamina application or bring cellphones to gas stations. This mechanism is still specifically for four-wheeled vehicles (cars)," added Heppy in his statement, Friday, July 26.

One of the areas where the pilot project for the implementation of the Pertalite QR is Pangkalpinang City in Bangka Belitung Province, which since 2023 has implemented the purchase of Pertalite by showing it a QR code, as told by Edy, one of Pertalite consumers from Pangkalpinang who shared his experience of transacting at gas stations with a QR Code, "For me, it's easy, because I just need to open my cellphone, show my QR to the operator, it's over," explained Edy.

In addition to expecting Pertalite users to immediately register Heppy, he also explained that during the socialization period, people can still buy Pertalite and explain that this data collection goal is not to make it difficult for the community, but to protect vulnerable people who are actually entitled to enjoy energy subsidies.

"The purpose of data collection is to protect vulnerable communities, ensure energy subsidies that are right on target, this data is expected to be used to establish energy policies with the government and can prevent potential abuse or cases of misuse of subsidized fuel in the field," added Heppy.

To note, according to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Decree No. 37.K/HK.02/MEM.M/2022 Pertalite is designated as Assignment Fuel by the Government. Further information regarding the mechanism for distributing subsidies on target using the MyPertamina system, the public can contact Pertamina Call Center (PCC) 135 as well as official social media @ptpertaminapatraniaga and @mypertamina

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