JAKARTA - Bintang Beer producer issuer PT Multi Bintang Indonesia Tbk (MLBI) managed to achieve net sales of IDR 1.38 trillion until June 2024. Sales decreased when compared to the same period the previous year of IDR 1.50 trillion.

Referring to MBLI's financial statements, net sales of both alcohol and non-alcoholic products have decreased. Both decreased from Rp1.30 trillion each to Rp1.23 trillion, and Rp192.83 billion to Rp149.87 billion.

Then, the cost of goods sold was recorded at IDR 562.43 billion. This figure is down when compared to the same period the previous year, which was IDR 599.25 billion.

MBLI also posted a gross profit of IDR 826.40 billion. This figure is down compared to the same period the previous year which was recorded at IDR 902.09 billion.

Meanwhile, the profit attributable to owners of the parent entity in the first semester of 2024 was IDR 444.18 billion. This amount also decreased from the same period the previous year of IDR 457.74 billion.

The company's asset value position in the middle of this year was recorded at IDR 3.78 trillion. This asset increased from the position at the end of 2023 which amounted to IDR 3.40 trillion.

The asset value consists of current assets of Rp2.20 trillion, increasing from Rp1.73 trillion. Then, non-current assets of Rp1.58 trillion decreased from Rp1.67 trillion at the end of 2023.

Meanwhile, MLBI's liabilities position was IDR 2.78 trillion, an increase compared to the position at the end of 2023 of IDR 2.01 trillion. Then, the company's equity position in June 2024 was recorded at IDR 1 trillion, down from the position at the end of 2023 of IDR 1.39 trillion.

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