JAKARTA The National Food Agency (Bapanas) ensures that Perum Bulog will continue to absorb local farmers' rice harvests in line with the increasing trend of rice production.

Head of Badanas Arief Prasetyo Adi said, referring to the Area Sample Framework (KSA) compiled by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), there is a trend of increasing domestic rice production, especially in August and September.

There is a total rice production in August that can reach 2.66 million tons and in September it will increase to 2.96 million tons.

From this figure, it has shown an escalation trend of production because the projected production of rice in June is still at 2.06 million tons and in July 2.18 million tons.

"We at the National Food Agency will ensure that the Government's Food Reserve stock is always filled and saved, especially rice. We make sure Bulog will continue to absorb rice from domestic farmers and on the other hand also continue to flush interventions to the market and the community so that food stability is maintained," said Arief in an official line, Tuesday, July 23.

Arief said the position of the rice stock managed by Perum Bulog was still secured as much as 1.5 million tons.

In addition, there is also a stock of rice in the Cipinang Rice Main Market as much as 46,900 tons and 7,300 tons of which are stored as Regional Government Food Reserves (CPPD).

In addition, Arief said that his party also guarantees that the Farmer's Exchange Rate (NTP) is maintained.

The NTP for food crop sub-sectors (NTPP) continues to be maintained by the government at more than 100.

Referring to BPS data, the highest NTPP in the last 18 months was recorded in February 2024 which was at 120.30 points.

In June 2024, the price index received by food crop farmers, especially the rice group, experienced a significant achievement, namely at 130.74 points.

"After rice production begins to increase, we make sure the enthusiasm of farmers to plant also continues to increase. One important factor is the policy of determining the Government Purchase Price (HPP). We are grateful for the effective HPP determination which is able to maintain Farmer's Exchange Rate (NTP) and the spirit of stable farmers continues to turn on," he added.

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