JAKARTA - The government of Kudus Regency, Central Java, is ready to support the plan to build a national strategic project (PSN) for the Demak-Tuban Toll Road, which will cross its territory, by completing its supporting facilities and infrastructure.

"We will immediately coordinate with a number of regional apparatus organizations (OPD) to prepare themselves for toll road PSN from Semarang, Demak, Kudus to East Java," said Acting Regent of Kudus M Hasan Chabibie in response to the plan to develop a special economic zone (KEK) and PSN for the regional economy in Kudus, Central Java, quoted from Antara, Monday, July 22.

According to him, the toll road project with the exit gate in Kudus Regency really needs to be prepared from the start.

Moreover, he said, Kudus Regency, which will also be passed by national infrastructure, will certainly get great benefits.

In addition, the flow of transportation, both goods and passengers, will also be easier and faster.

"We also have to prepare ourselves. If there is no preparation, of course it will be difficult to organize in the future because it will only be passed. Moreover, Kudus will be a reference for people for pilgrimage and other tourism," he said.

For this reason, he said, the Kudus Regency Government needs to balance the national strategic project by completing supporting facilities and infrastructure for the field of services, culinary, and regional tourism that can be used as tourist destinations.

The plan is that the Demak-Tuban Toll Road project will be equipped with a toll exit in Gulang Village, Mejobo District and rest area in Temulus Village, Mejobo District.

The length of the toll road to pass through Kudus is 8.3 kilometers from a total of 171.934 kilometers.

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