JAKARTA - Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi again reminded the public of the importance of safety in driving and the government has sought many things to improve safety. According to Budi, this was proven by the existence of 5 Road Safety Pillars, namely Road Safety Management with Bappenas Coordinator, Safety Roads with the Coordinator of the Ministry of PUPR, Safety Vehicles with the Coordinator of the Ministry of Transportation, Safety Road User Behavior with the Police coordinator, as well as Handling of Post Accident Victims with the Coordinator of the Ministry of Health. The government is very serious with regard to road safety, it is proven that there are five pillars here. Each pillar has a responsibility to ensure safety on the road. The Ministry of Transportation is policy of preparing anything that must be adhered to. The Ministry of PUPR builds a path with good qualifications. The Ministry of Health and others are as well. We are greatly helped by these 5 pillars. Collaboration with five pillars becomes mandatory," he said in Old City, Sunday, July 21. Budi hopes that, the 2024 Road Safety National Week (PNKJ) with the theme of Smart and Smart Steps Driving for Safety (Litas Limit), will be a moment to always prioritize safety in passing. All can be heroes of safety regardless of the profession and its position in society. Schools can help students learn about the importance of road safety since school age. Organizations can establish policies, rules, as well as procedures that support road safety improvements. Health services can reduce casualties and care for people affected by accidents, as well as each person can commit to using the road safely,''' he said. In addition to safety on such occasions, Budi also made a message regarding the transition from using private vehicles to public transportation. Because Bappenas data at the Sustainable Transport Forum 2022 event stated, in the last 5 years private vehicle users continued to increase by an average of 8 percent per year. The high number can have an impact on bottleneck and greenhouse gas emissions. Take down steps to reduce the use of private vehicles and improve the transition to public transportation, such as providing mass transportation in urban cities by compiling demand-based public transportation planning, the creation of intermodal integration in the main corridor and feed, fleet management, as well as the provision of secure, and

Furthermore, Budi said that in the future the Ministry of Transportation will make efforts to equalize modern and integrated urban public transportation facilities, as well as provide public bus and school buses in many cities. Then, the Ministry of Transportation also continues to strive to increase the feasibility of public transportation (AKAP and tourism) through periodic ramp checks, periodic testing of motorized vehicles, as well as implementation of safety management systems for public transportation companies.

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