PALEMBANG - Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto emphasized the importance of anticipating disasters effectively and continuously to prevent and minimize economic losses. Moreover, said Airlangga, Indonesia is one of the countries in the Asia Pacific region that is prone to disasters, especially hydrometeorology such as floods, landslides, tornadoes and geological disasters such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions.

This was conveyed by Airlangga when giving directions in the 2024 South Sumatra Province Forest and Land Fire Handling and Simulation (Karhutla) in 2024' in Palembang City, last Saturday.

"Preventive measures against disasters must continue to be carried out effectively in order to maintain public safety and minimize harmful impacts on the pace of national economic growth. With efforts to prevent and detect early on to Karhutla, it is hoped that it can facilitate control and minimize potential losses," said Airlangga.

Airlangga mentioned, specifically for South Sumatra Province which is one of the areas vulnerable to drought and forest fires. According to Airlangga, the geographical condition of South Sumatra is prone to natural disasters originating from drought and forest fires, especially in peatlands that can cause economic losses in various sectors.

"The dishes and simulations that we carried out today are a form of our concern and readiness in anticipating forest and land fires. This is not just a show of force, but encourages us to prepare skilled personnel, adequate capabilities, and qualified equipment," said Airlangga.

The big impact of Karhutla was experienced by the Province of South Sumatra in 2022 with economic losses arising reaching Rp 42.7 billion. Of this figure, the biggest loss occurred in Ogan Komering Ilir Regency with a value of Rp 11.4 billion.

"According to President Joko Widodo's direction regarding controlling forest and land fires, including by utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) and implementing the Business Continuity Management System (BCMS)," he said.

In line with Airlangga, Acting Governor of South Sumatra Elen Setiadi also revealed a number of efforts that the local government had made to overcome Karhutla. These efforts include campaigns to prevent forest and land fires, compliance audits of plantation and forestry companies, to weather modification operations and coordination with the Central Government.

"Furthermore, several efforts will be carried out, including the placement of ground extinguishing posts, the implementation of ground and air patrols, ground and air extinguishing operations, and continuous socialization," said Elen.

After the apple activity, Coordinating Minister Airlangga symbolically distributed people's business loans (KUR), corporate social responsibility (CSR) from KUR distributors, as well as the handover of people's palm oil rejuvenation funds (PSR). KUR distribution of Rp 1 8.97 billion was given to 92 debtors through the distributors of BRI KUR, BNI, Bank Mandiri, and BPD South Sumatra Babel.

Furthermore, Coordinating Minister Airlangga symbolically also handed over PSR funds amounting to Rp11.2 billion distributed to 184 planters, with a total area of 373.51 hectares.

"So the KUR and PSR programs are expected to continue to be improved and in Sumatra, one of the largest recipients is South Sumatra," Airlangga concluded.

In addition, Coordinating Minister Airlangga also witnessed the signing of the MoU for Cooperation between the South Sumatra Regional Government and the Government Investment Center in the Expansion of Access to Financing and Strengthening MSME Empowerment, as well as the signing of the MoU between the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, the Provincial Government of South Sumatra, the Indonesia Japan Business Network, and the Green Power Development Corps of Japan for the development of the Crude Coconut Oil (CCO) industry as the raw material for the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF).

The series of activities were also attended by the South Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Pol. A. Rahmat Wibowo, Deputy I of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy Ferry Irawan, Deputy II of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy Dida Gardera, Spokesperson for the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy Haryo Limanseto, Jambi Governor Al Haris, Head of BPDPKS Edy Abdurahman, ministry or institutional officials, as well as a number of officials from the South Sumatra region.

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