JAKARTA - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan said the term of office of the Task Force for Supervision of Certain Goods or illegal imports was only until the end of 2024, or about five months.

"Later we will see how the next government will be, later we will see if further needs to be continued or not," he said during a press conference at the Ministry of Trade office, Jakarta, Friday, July 19.

The man who is familiarly called Zulhas explained that the illegal import task force will be tasked with examining the examination of business licenses or certain requirements for certain goods that are subject to import trading, including SNI standards and taxes.

In addition, continued Zulhas, the task force will also inventorize problems related to certain goods that are subject to import trading.

"Then the determination of program targets, and work procedures," he explained.

The task force was formed based on Decree (SK) number 932 of 2024. Zulhas said the decree on the formation of the Task Force has been effective starting today.

Referring to the decree, there are 11 ministries/agencies and one employer's association involved in the task force. The details are the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag); Attorney General's Office of the Republic of Indonesia (AGO); Indonesian Police (Polri); Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu); Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin); Ministry of Law and Human Rights (KemenkumHAM) and the State Intelligence Agency (BIN).

Then, the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM); the Maritime Security Agency of the Republic of Indonesia (Bakamla); Indonesian Navy (AL) Provincial, Regency/City Office of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KADIN).

Focus On Targeting Wholesale Traders

Previously, Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan said the Task Force for Supervision of Certain Goods or illegal imports did not target retail traders as targets for handling.

Zulhas said the task force would focus on overseeing the activities of importers, distributors, or wholesalers of seven supervised commodities.

The seven commodities are Textiles and textile products (TPT), Jadi Clothing, Ceramics, Electronics, Beauty or cosmetics, Textile Goods are finished, and Footwear.

"So that there is no misunderstanding, the focus of supervision is importers or distributors. So wholesale, importers," he said during a press conference, at the Ministry of Trade office, Jakarta, Friday, July 19.

Therefore, Zulhas appealed to traders who sell the seven commodities with legal status not to worry about the existence of the task force.

"If it's true, why panic? Just keep trading, why panic," said Zulhas.

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