JAKARTA - The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs won an unqualified opinion (WTP) in 2024. This achievement is the 16th WTP in a row since 2008.

With the opinion of WTP, it can be interpreted that the financial information presented in the Financial Statements of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy for the 2023 Fiscal Year has been presented fairly.

"Alhamdulillah, the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) has provided an unqualified opinion (WTP) on the Financial Statements of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy for the 16th time since 2008. This is the result of an examination of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy's Financial Statements which has been examined by the BPK Examining Team from January to April 2024," said Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto quoting Antara.

The WTP opinion assessment includes four things, namely conformity with government accounting standards, adequacy of disclosure, compliance with laws and regulations, and the effectiveness of the internal control system (SPI).

"This WTP needs to be held and implemented, although there are still things that need to be followed up. I ask that this WTP be really used to improve and control internally, especially as a form of implementation of good governance practices (good governance), and must continue to be improved continuously," said Airlangga.

He assessed that WTP's opinion on the Financial Statements of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy is a mandatory standard that must be maintained, so as to encourage continuous performance improvement, encourage adequate SPI development, as well as the implementation of governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) within the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy.

Throughout 2023 until early 2024, the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy has strengthened internal control of a number of programs in the economic sector.

Among other things, in strengthening MSME access to capital, controlling central and regional inflation, maintaining price stabilization, increasing MSME productivity and competitiveness, affirming export and import policies, as well as several other activities, including vocational programs and Pre-Employment Cards.

Airlangga stated that all levels of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy are committed to following up on all BPK recommendations submitted in the examination report (LHP), according to the agreed action plan and deadline, and will submit periodic follow-up monitoring.

"We would like to thank the BPK Member II and all his staff for their very good and intensive coordination in the examination of the 2023 FY Coordinating Ministry for the Economy," he said.

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