Vice President (Vice President) Ma'ruf Amin said the government is committed to accelerating the development of the electric vehicle industry ecosystem through the development of battery manufacturing for electric vehicles.
"The government continues to strengthen regulations and provide incentives to grow the domestic automotive industry, to accelerate the development of the electric vehicle industry ecosystem through the development of battery manufacturing for electric vehicles," said Ma'ruf as quoted by ANTARA, Thursday, July 18.
He emphasized that the government continues to be committed to realizing a national automotive industry that is independent, resilient, and sustainable, one of which is through accelerating the development of the electric vehicle ecosystem.
"Indonesia has also established itself as an export hub for motorized vehicles, both oil-fueled vehicles and electric vehicles by 2030," said the Vice President.
Therefore, the Vice President also hopes that automotive industry players who are present at GIIAS will expand cooperation and collaboration between business actors in research and development of the renewable energy fuel vehicle ecosystem.
"This step is important in order to accelerate the reduction in carbon emissions and play a significant role in supporting a greener and more sustainable economic transformation," said the Vice President.
Ma'ruf asked automotive industry players to improve the quality and quantity of human resources (HR), so that the products produced can meet international standards.
"This is important considering that the automotive manufacturing industry has great potential in creating millions of new jobs," he said.
Furthermore, continue to innovate by studying, observing the prospects for innovation development, and modifying while still considering the capacity and capabilities of local content in Indonesia.
"Adaptive and responsive to rapid technological changes will certainly increase competitiveness, so that Indonesian automotive products can be more competitive in the global market which is increasingly dynamic," said the Vice President.
According to him, the production capacity and increase exports of the national automotive industry are optimized.
"Investigate production efficiency and optimize the use of local components by expanding the involvement of small and medium industry players. Make this (GIIAS) event a catalyst in increasing large industrial partnerships with small and medium industries, so that it can increase national export capacity," concluded Ma'ruf.
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