JAKARTA - The Association of Oil and Gas Companies (Aspermigas) revealed that the oil and gas sector for the next 5 years in the era of the Prabowo Subianto-Gibran Rakabuming Government will be quite heavy. However, he said that in general, Indonesia still has hope to increase the domestic oil and gas sector.

"The emergence of oil and gas in the next 5 years is generally quite difficult, but we have hope," said Aspermigas Secretary General Elan Biantoro at the Energy Corner, Tuesday, July 16.

Elan said that his party advised the next government to maintain several positive policies that had been issued during the Joko Widodo administration period. In addition, the new government, he said, needs to evaluate a number of policies that are considered to still need to be improved.

"If it needs to be found a new policy. Some things in the last 2-3 years have been good and we think it can be continued. In short, the next 5 years will be tough, but we have hope because in the last few years there has been a good policy marked by a large disclosure-discovery," explained Elan.

Furthermore, Elan said that the discovery of giant oil and gas reserves was not enough, but must be accompanied by development to become a new oil and gas field.

Elan also assessed that the decline in production had been due to the absence of new major field discoveries. In addition to the ineffective and efficient field management caused by large fields and once the oil and gas giant has now entered old age

He gave an example of the Rokan and Mahakam Oil and Gas Fields, which once reached a peak of up to millions of barrels per day.

"Well, this is what we have to do in the next five years to implement the existing achievements to be used as significant and large fields to contribute the next additional oil," concluded Elan.

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