JAKARTA - The Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) continues to try to enforce control of foreign vessels that are not licensed or illegal fishing. After making the arrest, the KKP transferred the case files to the prosecutor's office to be dealt with in accordance with applicable legal provisions.

Director General of Marine and Fishery Resources Supervision (PSDKP) Pung Nugroho Saksono said, in order to provide a deterrent effect on illegal fishing perpetrators, his party continues to process the law in accordance with the legislation. As was done for the arrest of foreign foreign nationals with the Russian Vessel Motor (MV) RZ 03 and Indonesian fishing vessels (KII) Motor Ship (KM) Y.

The man who is familiarly called Ipunk said that the Civil Servant Investigator (PPNS) of the Directorate General of PSDKP had submitted the case files to the MV RZ 03 skipper with the initials WZJ and the KM Y captain with the initials AW to the Public Prosecutor of the Tual District Attorney.

"Investigators have worked hard to collect evidence summarized in case files. This is the KKP's commitment to taking action against criminal acts committed, namely fishing at WPPNRI without a business license and fishing using prohibited fishing gear (trawl) in the Aru Sea," said Ipunk quoted from the KKP official website, Monday, July 15.

MV RZ 03 is a fishing boat from China but has a Russian flag measuring 870 gross tonnage (GT). Meanwhile, the case file KM Y has also been handed over who participated in assisting the crimes committed by MV RZ 03.

"Currently, there are three perpetrators of illegal fishing networks who are undergoing legal proceedings. With this firm action, it is hoped that it can provide a deterrent effect on other Indonesian fishing vessels (KII) to be careful if there is an offer to help foreign fishing vessels (KIA)," he said.

Meanwhile, Director of Violation Handling of the Directorate General of PSDKP Teuku Elvitrasyah said that the submission of case files or delegation of Phase I to two cases, namely MV RZ 03 and KM Y carried out by PPNS KKP was timely in accordance with statutory regulations.

"Against the two criminal allegations, the KKP PPNS does not have the authority to carry out the investigation process and we have transferred it to the police. We have also made a report to the Maluku Police," he said.

The illegal fishing causes ecosystem losses because MV RZ 03 uses a fishing gear that is clearly prohibited, namely, trawling. So, not only large fish ready for consumption are caught, but all small fish and biota in the ocean are also caught and this is detrimental.

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