JAKARTA The National Food Agency (NFA) considers that there is a need for a Presidential Regulation (Perpres) on Food Susut and Remaining (SSP) to reduce the number of food waste in Indonesia.

Head of Badanas Arief Prasetyo Adi said the draft Presidential Decree would provide positive progress on joint efforts to reduce follow-up and food remains.

"Of course, we continue to encourage this process to present a regulation related to decreasing food supply and remaining food. With this Presidential Decree, we hope that all relevant stakeholders can contribute better. We must suppress Food waste, because it has an impact on food security, even our environment and economy," said Arief in an official statement, Thursday, July 11.

For your information, currently the preparation of the SPP Presidential Decree continues. Badanas has also finalized the draft to immediately proceed according to existing mechanisms and involve all stakeholders in the food sector.

Director of Food Alert and Nutrition NFA Nita Yulianis said this effort was initiated with food stakeholders as part of the food rescue movement. Nita also emphasized that what needs to be understood is that the follow-up and the rest of the food is not waste.

Furthermore, Nita explained, food remains are food that is still feasible and safe for human consumption which has the potential to be wasted into food waste at the distribution and consumption stages.

So the rest of the food is food that can still be eaten but cannot be consumed because of certain factors. For example, the food that is left because it is not sold out. The rest of this food is still suitable for consumption and in safe conditions to eat," explained Nita.

Nita said, in line with the preparation of this SSP regulation, the government through Bappenas has also launched a Flats Management Roadmap and Food Remaining in Support of Food Security Achievement Towards Indonesia Emas 2045.

"In the roadmap, it is targeted to reduce SSP by 75 percent by 2045," he said.

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