JAKARTA - PT Sang Hyang Seri (SHS) immediately took concrete steps to secure the strategic assets of the company which is currently still controlled by third parties. This effort is part of the company's commitment to protect state assets so that it can be optimized for business development and services to the community.

This was conveyed by SHS Corporate Secretary Sugeng Rijadi through his official statement, Thursday, July 11, in Jakarta. According to him, one of the steps to secure assets that will be taken is to secure permanent assets in the form of official houses and land covering an area of 60,153 square meters, in the Duren Tiga area, Jakarta, which is managed by SHS.

Currently, there are 53 SHS official houses that are still inhabited by retirees. The occupants of the Official House were originally employees of PT Pertani who had started occupying the complex since 1960," he said.

Meanwhile, PT Pertani is a state-owned company that has now merged with SHS so that all of its assets are now part of SHS.

According to Sugeng, there are 53 retired PT Pertani who currently still occupy the official residence, some are now occupied by their heirs. Based on PT Pertani's regulation through the Board of Directors number: 777/SAR/01.22, which was issued in 1997, regarding the Provisions for Placement of Official Houses, it is stated that the placement of official houses is only valid as long as employees take office, if they are no longer serving as employees, they are required to vacate official houses no later than 3 (three) months after employees stop.

"Of course, with the transfer of status from employee to retiree, the right to use official housing facilities has died according to applicable regulations. Because the status is only the right to use during validity (while being an employee), it is not the right to control after the expiration of the term of effect," he explained.

Sugeng also said that there are even houses that are no longer occupied by retirees and their families, but are transferred to other residents with rental mechanisms.

"Even though neither PT Pertani nor SHS have provided provisions related to renting, so that since occupying official residences until now, the occupants of official residences have not been charged a rental fee by the company," he said.

Seeing these conditions, the company encourages settlement steps to be taken. In this case, SHS management is committed to continuing dialogue with residents of the official residence. This effort is to restore physical control of these fixed assets to SHS, considering that the company already has a number of plans to optimize these strategic assets in order to support business and public services.

"We have taken a persuasive approach, by continuing the dialogue. Hopefully, the parties who do not meet the requirements to occupy the official residence can move and return the facility to SHS so that it can be optimized for the company's sustainability," said Sugeng.

He said that previously SHS had sent a letter of notification of emptying and warning (somation). Finally SHS had a meeting with the residents of the official residence on July 8, 2024.

"We arrested, actually the residents understood that the house occupied was the official residence of ex PT Pertani. We also appreciate the attitude of the residents of the official house who are open in conducting dialogue to find the best solution," he said.

Sugeng said that in the dialogue that had been carried out, several settlement options were revealed, including through the provision of compensation. Regarding this option, according to him, SHS has prepared compensation for the occupants of the official residence and has been submitted during a meeting with the residents of the official residence on July 8, 2024, but the residents represent several residents who attend.

To ensure that the asset security process does not violate legal provisions and regulations, SHS has requested assistance from the South Jakarta District Attorney.

"On November 8, 2023, a consignment was carried out between SHS and the South Jakarta District Attorney's Office, which is basically to be followed up with legal assistance in the future," he said.

Sugeng ensured that the steps taken by the company to secure assets were purely in order to protect state assets according to their designation so that they could be developed for the sustainability of the company in the future. We hope that the parties are aware of their position and rights and obligations. So that we can complete the steps to secure these assets fairly," he hoped.

In addition to the official residence, the 60,153 square meters of assets also have vacant land which is also in the process of being secured. The vacant land is inhabited by parties without rights as a place for illegal goods, parking and stalls.

"Regarding controlling vacant land which is also in the area, SHS has carried out control by dialogue and provided 3 warning letters, as well as building land ownership signs," said Sugeng.

According to him, currently, the parties without rights who utilize the land have decreased.

"The company is still taking security measures on the land by communicating and warning so that the land utilization activity is not continued because it violates the allocation of land," he concluded.

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