JAKARTA - The Director General of New Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Eniya Listiani Dewi, estimates that the peak of carbon emissions will occur in 2030.

For this reason, Eniya emphasized that this peak target should not be shifted to the following years so that the Net Zero Emission (NZE) target can be implemented by 2060.

"Don't let this shift to 2035, which is if it shifts again, 2060 will not be achieved," said Eniya in his remarks at the Green Economy Expo, Thursday, July 4.

Eniya said, to reach the peak of the emission, his party will try hard so that within 5 years to boost the use of clean energy.

The realization targeted by the government within 5 years is the reduction in emissions of around 993 million tons of CO2 equivalent.

"We will continue to try this. At least if it's usually a steep road up to the top, it's very difficult, yes, it's really difficult when we want to reduce emissions, but there is still use of emissions until 2030," explained Eniya.

The strategy that will be used by the government during this transition period is to accelerate the use of natural gas which is still abundant in Indonesia, including accelerating the use of new and renewable energy (EBT) in the industrial sector.

"The Minister (ESDM) has informed that there is a natural gas discovery in East Java. Hopefully, it will be on a large scale so that gas pipes can be sufficient to enter Java and replace energy in existing industries that need large heat demand," explained Eniya.

He hopes that the acceleration of the use of EBT will occur in 2030, but before that, the government and various parties need to seek the use of clean energy.

Moreover, he said, if later supported by the Revision of the New Energy and Renewable Energy Law (RUU EBET), the government will provide many incentives for the use of EBT.

"RUU, if this year's goal, there will be many incentives that we can get at renewable energy. At least first save the carbon. In the future, we hope that there will be use of bioenergy and green hydrogen for the transportation sector as well as other than EVs," concluded Eniya.

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