JAKARTA - Shopee Indonesia signed an integrity pact with the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU), Tuesday, July 2, to ensure its commitment to changes in behavior that have been agreed upon. This signing ensures Shopee's commitment to change behavior after alleged violations of monopoly rules were filed by the KPPU and tried since the end of last May.

KPPU appreciates Shopee's commitment as stated in the integrity pact as a step in ensuring legal compliance in Indonesia. Head of the Public Relations and Cooperation Bureau of KPPU Deswin Nur explained that during the trial the Shopee commission was quite cooperative.

"They signed the Behavior Change Integrity Pact, so it can be said to show good faith. Regarding its implementation commitment, this must be based on the results of supervision carried out by the KPPU. So let's monitor it together," he told reporters, quoted Wednesday, July 3.

Deswin said that they had accepted the terms or obligations in the behavior change integrity pact that were set in the context of behavior change. Shopee's first trial started on May 28, 2024, with the agenda of presentation of Alleged Violation Reports (LDP) by KPPU Investigators and Examination of Evidence Completeness and Compliance (form of letters and/or supporting documents) in LDP.

The trial continued on June 11, 2024, where Shopee responded to the report given by the KPPU. On June 20, 2024, KPPU and Shopee again held a meeting to submit the results of the Commission's Consideration regarding the Proposal for Amendments submitted. At the meeting, KPPU approved a proposal for changes submitted by Shopee.

Shopee Indonesia Executive Director Handhika Jahja said his party was grateful to the KPPU during the ongoing process. "We thank the KPPU for its input which can help us continue to provide services for users in Indonesia. Today we have signed an integrity pact in accordance with the input provided by the KPPU," he said after the signing of the integrity pact.

Furthermore, Handhika said that with this integrity pact, the innovation that Shopee continues to run can run in accordance with existing regulations.

"Shopee and KPPU have the same field, which aims to create a better ecosystem for users in Indonesia," he concluded.

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