JAKARTA - The Aviation and Tourism SOE Holding, PT Aviasi Wisata Indonesia (Persero) or InJourney is targeting the merger process of PT Angkasa Pura I and II to become PT Angkasa Pura Indonesia or InJourney Airports to be completed in July 2024.

Then, what is the progress of the company's merger?

Angkasa Pura Indonesia Corporate Secretary Group Head, Rahadian D Yogisworo, revealed that the merger process of the two companies is still ongoing and is expected to be completed in the near future.

"Now it's in the process, God willing, as soon as possible. Because this is a paper work," he said on the sidelines of the 'Indonesia Aero Summit 2024' at the Redtop Hotel, Pecenongan, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, July 2.

Rahadian ensured that the merger process of Angkasa Pura I and Angksa Pura II was carried out in accordance with good governance, as well as following applicable regulations and regulations.

"So at this time the merger process is ongoing. We are targeting it to be implemented immediately," he said.

"Now there are many processes, management issues, permits to business entities, all of them are in the process to get to the merger," he continued.

In addition, Rahadian also emphasized that the merger would not have an impact on reducing or terminating employee labor hubs (PHK).

"What is clear from our side is that there is no reduction in employees, we will continue to calculate the working period of each. Because AP I and AP II have their respective working period," he explained.

Previously reported, InJourney President Director Dony Oskaria said that the merger process of the two companies had been going on since November last year and was expected to be completed in July 2024.

Furthermore, Dony said that Angkasa Pura Indonesia will be the number four largest airport operator in the world with a total number of passengers reaching 170 million per year.

"InJourney Airports, actually from last year we formed Indonesian Airport and this is PSN, yes. We hope that the process will be completed in July (2024)," he said when met at the Danareksa Tower, Jakarta, Friday, June 21.

Dony also explained that the merger of PT Angkasa Pura I and PT Angkasa Pura II includes aligning standard operating procedures (SOP), IT systems, finance, finance to airport operations.

"We will form the Indonesian Airports first, we will equalize the SOP first, we will equalize the IT first, the process operations. So that the unification process runs very smoothly. Because we have been from November to actually unify as an organization, in operation, financially and so on. So this is just the gong actually, "said Dony.

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