JAKARTA - The Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) claims that the industrial sector has implemented regulations for sugar, salt and fat or GGL in the production of ready-to-eat processed food.

This was conveyed by the Director General of Agro Industry of the Ministry of Industry Putu Juli Ardika in the agenda of the Working Committee (Panja) Supervision of Processed & Ready-to-eat Food Products with Fat Sugar Content Commission IX DPR RI at the Parliament Complex, Jakarta, Monday, July 1.

"This GGL arrangement has indeed become a concern rather than an industry. So maybe we give a little explanation that in this food production there is a large, medium, MSME and also in the household. So, if the industry is big and also small, it follows the Indonesian National Standard (SNI)," said Putu.

Putu said, the SNI was prepared based on the fulfillment of nutrition from the standard codex issued by the Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) and from the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes).

"So, for this SNI requires nutritional content and what should be required in the food. In addition, labeling and industry were also conveyed following all these processes. So, it can get a distribution permit from BPOM," he said.

According to Putu, the determination of the maximum limit for GGL content has been coordinated by the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture (Kemenko PMK) by including related ministries and institutions.

He added that the determination of the maximum limit for GGL content was carried out by considering risk studies and / or international standards.

"Produsen dilarang melakukan adversi, promosi dan sponsor kegiatan pada waktu, lokasi dan kelompok sasaran tertentu untuk produk pangan olahan. Termasuk, pangan olahan siap serving yang melebihi ketentuan batas maksimal kandungan GGL," tuturnya.

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