JAKARTA - KKKS Jadestone Energy (Lemang) Pte. Ltd., managed to complete an important milestone in the form of a mechanical completion or completion of the construction of gas facilities and the flow of the first gas into facilities from wells.

This process is the final phase of commissioning towards the commercialization of gas, condensates and LPG in Bram Itam sub-district, Tanjung Jabung Barat Regency, Jambi Province.

The construction of the Gas Processing Facility and Sales Gas Pipeline Project has been carried out since September 2022.

General Manager of Jadestone Energy (Lemang) Pte. Ltd., Andi Iwan Uzamah said that on June 18, 2024 Jadestone had completed a mechanical completion and continued with the first gas flow from wells into facilities on June 22, 2024.

According to Andi Iwan, this is the result of extraordinary efforts from all parties, not only from the Jadestone team but also from SKK Migas, Contractors, Government, and other stakeholders.

Head of the SKK Migas Program and Communication Division, Hudi D. Suryodipuro, said that the completion of the construction of the Akatara gas facility is believed to be able to increase national gas production or 25 MMSCFD.

"Aktara's gas facilities are certainly very helpful, gas distribution, so gas commercialization can make significant donations to the state and meet the needs of PLN Batam," said Hudi, Wednesday, June 26.

According to Hudi, SKK Migas will continue to encourage, KKKS, including Jadestone Energy (Lemang) Pte. Ltd., not only building commercialized gas facilities but also expanding exploration of new areas in Jambi province.

Jadestone Energy plc is an independent upstream oil and gas company focused in the Asia-Pacific region. The company has a portfolio of assets that have been producing and in a balanced development and are increasingly diversified in Australia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam, all of which are included in a stable jurisdiction with a positive upstream investment climate.

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