JAKARTA - The Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) noted that the total length of expressways or toll roads owned by Indonesia until June 2024 reached 2,893 kilometers (km).
Citing information shared by BPJT, the toll portfolio owned by Indonesia is able to increase connectivity, cut travel time until it is claimed to support community economic growth.
"From 1978 to mid-2024, the total length of toll roads in Indonesia has reached 2,893 km," wrote BPJT in an upload on its official Instagram @pupr_bpjt, quoted Monday, June 24.
In detail, the 2,893 km toll road is spread across 5 large islands of Indonesia, namely Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Java to Bali.
The island of Java is still the area that has the most toll roads. The total length of the toll roads operating in Java reaches 1,782.47 km. Then, followed by Sumatra with a total length of toll roads reaching 941.75 km.
Then Kalimantan is 97.27 km long, Sulawesi is 61.46 km and finally there is Bali with a total toll portfolio operating for 10.07 km.
Currently, all of the toll roads operating are managed by 52 toll road business entities (BUJT) on 73 toll roads.
"The Ministry of PUPR continues to be committed to increasing connectivity between regions in Indonesia. So, people can feel the cut in travel time and economic growth," concluded BPJT management.
For your information, ahead of the 10 years of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi)'s leadership, the total length of the freeways or toll roads owned by Indonesia has increased to 2,113 kilometers (km).
The Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Ministry of PUPR noted that from 1978 to mid-2024 or to be precise 4 months before Jokowi stepped down, 73 toll roads had been operating for a total length of 2,893 km.
This means that during almost 10 years of his leadership, President Jokowi's government built around 72.6 percent of the total length of the toll roads currently owned by Indonesia.
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