JAKARTA - The Financial Services Authority (OJK) facilitated a meeting between the management of the 1912 Joint Life Insurance Bumiputera (AJBB) and representatives of policyholders and unions.

Present at the meeting were Deputy Commissioner for Supervision of IKNB II M. Ihsanuddin, Deputy Commissioner for Public Relations and Logistics Anto Prabowo, Deputy Commissioner for Law and Investigation Rizal Ramadhani, and Horas Tarihoran from the field of Education and Consumer Protection.

Meanwhile, from AJBB management, there were Directors Dena Chaerudin, Independent Commissioner Zaenal Abidin, and Independent Commissioner Erwin T. Setiawan.

Meanwhile, from the AJBB policyholder association, Yayat Supriyatna, Jaka Irwanta, and Fien Mangiri were present.

Meanwhile, the AJBB Workers Union was represented by Rizky Yudha P and the Bumiputera Agent Association represented by Islandri and several assistants from each representative.

In his statement, the authorities considered that the meeting I was held well without the direct presence of the OJK because management and policyholder representatives discussed several issues related to determining AJBB's future.

A number of important decisions were agreed upon, namely the formation of an election committee for the Member Representative Body (BPA).

Then, an understanding was also reached regarding the implementation of Article 38 of AJBB's Articles of Association, as well as a mechanism for conveying information on AJBB's conditions to policyholders.

"This meeting can eventually become a forum for deliberation between management and interested parties, considering that so far it has been difficult to meet," said Ihsanuddin in an official statement, Tuesday, March 16.

Regarding the existence of BPA AJBB, Ihsanuddin explained that based on coordination with the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Law and Human Rights it had been submitted through the OJK letter No.S-34 / NB.23 / 2020 dated December 28, 2020, that BPA's term of office had ended since December 26, 2020.

During the meeting, AJBB management was represented by a Director, namely Dena Chaerudin (while two Commissioners, namely Zaenal Abidin and Erwin T. Setiawan, left the meeting without notification).

The committee for the selection of 15 members of the BPA consists of elements from policyholders, agent associations, and labor unions. The election will elect 11 new BPA members from 11 constituencies according to AJBB's articles of association and will be conducted through e-voting.

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