JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartarto opened his voice regarding the rampant layoffs (PHK) in the textile industry. He said that currently the condition of the textile industry in the global world is indeed problematic.

"Indeed, yesterday's textile industry had a problem because its global problem," said Airlangga at his office, Thursday, June 20.

Airlangga said, when textile entrepreneurs want to sell their products in the country. However, there are limitations to the domestic market itself.

"He wants to sell domestically, but there are limitations to domestic markets," he said.

Even so, Airlangga was reluctant to comment too far about the rise of mass layoffs in the sector. According to him, the Ministry of Industry (Kemenperin) already has a roadmap related to this.

"Actually, in the policy at the Ministry of Industry there is already a roadmap, including for labor-intensive industries related to textiles, electronics and also other manufacturing sectors," he said.

Previously, the Association of Filamentary and Benang Producers of Indonesia (APSyFI) denied the statement by the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani, which stated that the rampant layoffs of mass textile workers were caused by dumping practices abroad.

Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Filament Filament Filament Rate and Benang Producers (APSyFI) Redma Gita Wirawasta said the statement from Sri Mulyani was an effort to divert issues to cover up the failure to monitor the performance of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise of the Ministry of Finance.

"We can see with the naked eye how a lot of people in Customs and Excise are involved and openly play the mode of importing wholesale/cubation with their authority in determining the import of the red or green route at the port," said Redma in a written statement received by VOI, Thursday, June 20.

Instead, his party accused the Directorate General of Customs and Excise of the Ministry of Finance as one of the main causes of the storm of termination of employment (PHK) and the closure of a number of companies in the last two years.

In this regard, Redma revealed allegations of illegal imports as reflected in the difference in data on the trade map showing unrecorded import gaps from China continue to increase in 2021 by USD 2.7 billion to USD 2.9 billion in 2022 and is estimated at USD 4 billion in 2023.

On the other hand, Redma regrets the government's attitude through Customs and Excise along with its import mafia relations which make container buildup at the port to force the government to relax imports through the Regulation of the Minister of Trade (Permendag) Number 8 of 2024.

"Here, it seems that Mrs. Sri (Mulyani) defends Customs and blames other ministries for issuing regulations for controlling imports, even though this is an order from the President (Joko Widodo) on October 6, 2023," he said.

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