JAKARTA - The screams of couriers with one word 'package' echoed to millions of houses every day in Indonesia. This indicates the increasingly important importance of logistics service playing its role in the midst of an online shopping trend that is increasingly popular with the public.

Not many people realize that the role of couriers has indirectly met the needs and desires of many people through shopping online at eCommerce. As is known, almost all eCommerce players in Indonesia provide shipping services from various expedition companies or express goods shipments.

According to the Logistics ECommerce Entrepreneurs Association (APLE), the role of logistics services has become more vital lately. Various discounts to the most often known, namely free shipping promo incentives to tie someone in shopping. So don't be surprised, what people are looking for the most in online shopping is; is a free postage service provided on the platform.

"In the world of e-commerce, there are indeed many promos or efforts to improve services and convenience so that transactions continue to run. This is because the benchmark performance of a pla orm is GMV (Gross merchandise value), namely the number of transactions and growth so that active efforts to keep transactions going and and one of them is providing attractive and affordable intermediate services," said APLE Chairman Sonny Harsono, when not long ago in conveying his views to the media, quoted Wednesday, June 19.

As is known, platforms such as Blibli, Lazada, Shopee and Tokopedia are almost using the same strategy to attract users. Free shipping is always sought after, and users can guess the courier services that will be used based on the delivery time. Not based on who the shipping company is.

If traced one by one, none of the eCommerces include the name of the shipping company (logistical services) in the check out section before the transaction is carried out. All eCommerce only displays regular, same day, instant, cargo and others services.

The service also only displays; arrival times for delivery of goods and prices. This practice was also carried out by the world's eCommerce giant Amazon. It can be said, consumers are more concerned with the speed of goods arriving and the incentives for shipping costs.

Likewise at Tokopedia, as was the case in Shopee, Blibli, Lazada to Tiktok Shop. Users, if they have chosen the goods they want to buy, the next stage is choosing a delivery service based on the service. Starting from the fastest to the economy/standard that allows consumers to get free shipping fees, aka free shipping fees. On the other hand, Sonny is of the view, it is necessary to further study the alleged monopoly that has recently surfaced to eCommerce companies. Because of the facts on the ground, all eCommerce players only use a cross-promotion marketing technique between pla orms and leasing courier services. Almost all pla orm eCommerce, also provides space for other logistics services. In other words, users and consumers are the last to choose; which courier service is the most appropriate for them.

"It must be considered so that the eCommerce business, which is slightly different from conventional businesses, can generally be used as a major consideration so that the principles of fairness and competitiveness of the digital industry continue to grow and are not harmed," continued Sonny.

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