JAKARTA - Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy (Menparekraf) Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno wants to make the Kwitang Book Market, Jakarta, a special zone for literacy tourism to help advance the publishing industry in the country. "If we create a special zone for literacy tourism, this will also help to continue to stimulate the publishing industry," Sandiaga said after distributing 420 sacrificial meat of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Wednesday, June 19. According to Sandiaga, later this special zone for Kwitang literacy tourism will be integrated with a halal tourism zone close to the Islamic Center, thus contributing to the improvement of halal tourism in Indonesia. Sandiaga said that this special zone creation plan was carried out, given the decline in sales in the publishing industry, which can be seen from the scarcity of international book exhibitions (International Book Fair). In fact, he assessed, the publishing industry has an important role in contributing to the promotion of the creative economy, especially the film sector. "The successful films from Netflix or cinema films actually come from very successful writings, both in the form of novels and in the form of scripts in the publishing industry," he said. In addition to making a special zone for literacy tourism in the Kwitang Book Market, his party will also facilitate the publishing industry to carry out digital transformation. This was done as an effort to encourage Indonesian public interest. Previously, Menparekraf Sandi said that the creative economy could be a supporter of the Indonesian economy to realize the vision of Indonesia Gold 2045.

Hal itu dikarenakan sektor ekonomi kreatif Indonesia menempati posisi ketiga di dunia, sehingga hal ini menjadi modal untuk meningkatkan pendapatan negara.

Sandiaga revealed that the creative economy sector managed to donate IDR 1,300 trillion to Indonesia's GDP. There are three prominent creative economy sub-sectors owned by Indonesia, including culinary, craft and fashion sub-sectors.Each sub-sector, he continued, culinary contributes to GDP by 43 percent, fashion 17 percent, and from crafts 15 percent.

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