Weda Bay Project carried out planting activities of 1 million mangroves during the celebration of World Environment Day 2024 on Wednesday, June 5, in Tanjung Ulie, Central Halmahera, North Maluku. This is done for the sustainability of the company (sustainability) by continuing to prioritize balance, preservation, and environmental protection.

Kevin He, Vice President of PT Indonesia Weda Bay Industrial Park (IWIP) said the Weda Bay Project commitment was carried out for the sustainability of the company by continuing to prioritize balance, preservation, and environmental protection.

"We live together in one earth. Making Weda Bay Project environmentally friendly and sustainable is a contribution of balance, sustainability, and protection of the earth and its entirety as the best legacy today and in the future," he said, in a written statement, Wednesday, June 12.

In accordance with the theme 'Ecosystem Restoration', Kevin added, Weda Bay Project always implements it starting from the simplest practices, such as sorting and recycling waste, cleaning watersheds and coastal areas, to more complex ones such as carrying out reclamation of mining areas, rehabilitation of mangroves, and coral transplantation, as well as building High Density Pool to process rainfall into clean water that can be reused.

"We are determined to practice mining operations and industries that are energy efficient, low in pollution, green, beautiful, and comfortable. Of course, by complying with every provision and legislation, and following the best standards," said Kevin.

On the same occasion, World Environment Day 2024 is also a momentum for the construction of a santuary located in the company area. Deputy Manager of Environmental Industry, Yofi Safutra, said that the sanctuary is planned to cover an area of 11.51 hectares and will be filled with various endemic flora and fauna in North Maluku.

"This is done to maintain the value of biodiversity and its breadth in maintaining environmental life and ecosystems and to demonstrate the company's commitment to sustainable development," he added.

Head of the North Maluku-Maluku BKSDA Danny Hendry Pattipeilohy said that later the sanctuary will function as a center for saving animals, rehabilitation centers, as well as a center for enlargement and breeding of flora. Danny also hopes that the sanctuary will become a means and medium of education as well as tourism for all employees at Weda Bay Project.

"We fully support the development of the santuary. This will be a special conservation institution managed by the management of Weda Bay Project under government supervision in accordance with applicable regulations," Danny said.

On the other hand, the Head of Mining Engineering (KTT) as well as General Manager of HSE Iwan Kurniawan explained that Weda Bay Project's commitment to realizing environmental balance is also implemented through the use of photovoltaic panels. Currently, the total photovoltaic generating capacity is around 200,000 kWh per year. This plant can save about 70 tons of coal or the equivalent of reducing carbon dioxide emissions by 182 tons, sulfur dioxide 1.68 tons, and nitrogen oxides by 0.5 tons.

"The company is also implementing Flue Gas Desulphurization (FGD) technology which is able to significantly reduce the parameters of SO2 pollution, so that the exhaust emissions produced by PLTU meet the quality standards set by the government," he concluded.

During this moment, the North Maluku-Maluku BKSDA released dozens of endemic birds. Among them 10 Red Nuri Bayan birds, 9 Kakatua, 3 Green Bayan Nuri, and 2 Purple Necklace Nuri. The animals released into the Weda Bay Project area come from the findings/relations of BKSDA officers and also from the results of the community submission.

Present at the event were representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Veriyadi, ST., M.Si, Head of the Maluku-North Maluku Natural Resources Conservation Agency (BKSDA), Danny Hendry Pattipeilohy, S.Spi, M.Si, Head of the North Maluku ESDM Service, Suriyanto Andili, SE, M.Si Head of the North Maluku Environment Agency, Fahruddin Tukuboya, ST., M.Si, as well as village heads in the mining and industrial girth.

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