JAKARTA - The People's Housing Savings Management Agency (BP Tapera) denied that Tapera funds were used for the development of the capital city of Nusantara or IKN but were purely reused and to provide benefits only to Tapera participants.

"There is nothing to do with the funds from Tapera participants with the development of IKN, I apologize maybe from our perception," said Deputy Commissioner for the Deployment of Tapera Funds BP Tapera Sugiyarto in an online discussion in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, June 11.

Sugiyarto said that Tapera participant funds were stored in separate accounts and used to provide benefits for Tapera participants.

"Because the money coming from the participants was purely used back for the participants. So let's say the money from the participants was placed in a separate account from the Tapera fund account and it was used to provide benefits for the participants," he said.

Based on the Explanation section of Law Number 4 of 2016 concerning Public Housing Savings, efforts to meet the needs of proper housing are still faced with conditions of affordability, accessibility, and the availability of sustainable long-term low-cost funds and funds to meet the needs of houses, housing, settlements, as well as urban and rural residential areas.

In raising and providing long-term low-cost funds to support housing financing, the state is responsible for providing housing savings which is part of the housing financing system.

The implementation of the financing system requires support from various other housing development pillars. In this regard, the Government and/or the Regional Government are obliged to ensure that the implementation of the financing system must run in an integrated manner with a sustainable housing development planning program, as well as encourage the empowerment of non-bank financial institutions in the deployment and construction of housing savings funds and other funds specifically for housing.

Tapera is a device to manage community funds together and help each other between participants in providing long-term cheap funds in order to meet the needs of decent and affordable housing for Participants. The establishment of the Law on Public Housing Savings is the implementation of the mandate of Article 124 of Law Number 1 of 2011 concerning housing and Settlement Areas.

To ensure the continuity of the implementation of Tapera, it is also regulated that the institutional transfer and all of its assets are from the current institution, namely the Civil Servant Housing Savings Advisory Agency into BP Tapera according to this Law.

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