JAKARTA - The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulatory Agency (BPH Migas) has asked the assignment business entity to participate in monitoring the implementation of recommendation letters at the distribution agency, so that the distribution of subsidized fuel and state compensation is increasingly targeted.

Member of the BPH Migas Committee, Eman Salman Arief, in his statement in Jakarta, Monday, June 10, said that the recommendation letter for purchasing fuel is intended for predetermined consumers, such as micro businesses, fisheries, agriculture, transportation, and public services.

During a field visit, Eman received an implementation of the purchase of subsidized fuel using a recommendation letter that was not appropriate.

For this reason, he asked the assignment business entity to also participate in improving services and supervision so that the recommendation letter is used on target.

"We discussed and asked about the implementation of the distribution of fuel using a recommendation letter as well as to get a back feed. BPH Migas provided input to business entities to be able to implement and supervise activities properly, so that subsidized fuel and compensation can be distributed properly in volume and on target," said Eman when monitoring at public gas stations (SPBU) in the Purwokerto and Cilacap areas, Central Java, Saturday, June 8, reported by Antara.

Di tempat yang sama, Anggota Komite BPH Migas Saleh Abdurrahman member memberikan perhatian pada sarana dan fasilitas yang ada di gas stationa agar memenuhi standar, seperti tangkit penyimpanan BBM, jangka waktu penyimpanan video di CCTV minimal selama 30 hari, dan posisi CCTV yang membacakan nomor polisi kendaraan yang mengisi BBM.

"Earlier, we checked the CCTV results and we suggest repositioning or rearranging the CCTV position so that the police numbers of each vehicle can be clearly seen at the time of the transaction," said Saleh.

Also attending the Sales Area Manager of PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Mahfud Nadyo and Sales Branch Manager Cilacap and Banyumas PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Andi Arifin.

On the same day, BPH Migas held a "Joint Synergy of the People's Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia" in Cilacap, Central Java. Present at the Chairperson of Commission VII DPR Sugeng Suparwoto.

On that occasion, Saleh conveyed that one of the tasks and functions of BPH Migas is to regulate that fuel supply is always available throughout the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

"In addition, BPH Migas is also tasked with ensuring that the distribution of subsidized fuel and compensation fuel meets the needs of the community. BPH Migas also supervises the smooth distribution and subsidies that are right on target," said Saleh.

Furthermore, Saleh also explained regarding Regulation of BPH Migas Number 2 of 2023 concerning Issuance of Recommended Letters for Purchase of Certain Types of Fuel (JBT) and Types of Assignment Special Fuel (JBKP).

On the same occasion, Eman expressed his appreciation and hoped for public support to carry out joint supervision regarding the use of subsidized fuel, so that it can be distributed to eligible users.

"I want to thank you for your support, of course also community support so that subsidized fuel or compensation can be felt by users who are entitled," he said.

Meanwhile, Chairman of Commission VII DPR Sugeng Suparwoto expressed his appreciation for BPH Migas' efforts in increasing the use of natural gas and distributing subsidized fuel on target.

Sales Area Manager Tegal PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Mahfud Nadyo revealed that this synergy can provide enlightenment to the community and understand downstream oil and gas policies.

Chairman of the Tani Group Sri Rejeki Cilacap Sukarno Fakhruddin also welcomed the recommendation letter.

He revealed that using a recommendation letter for tractors as supporting tools can increase the yield of the harvest.

"The existence of this recommendation letter is very useful because it makes it easier for us to get subsidized fuel as a fuel for processing rice fields. I have also made a QR code, so it is very easy to collect diesel oil," he said.

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