JAKARTA - Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan said he was ready to give a penalty by revoking the import approval permit (PI) if the garlic importer did not immediately realize the import.

"Yes, please revoke the permit," said Zulkifli at the Ministry of Trade Office, Jakarta, Friday.

Zulkifli said that business actors who delay importing garlic will be blacklisted or blacklisted.

He also emphasized that this does not only apply to garlic importers, but also others.

"If it doesn't work, it's blacklist. Not just onions,AKE meat, what, if you give sugar (PI) you don't work, it's blacklist," he said.

Based on data from the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag), the realization of garlic imports has only reached 162,139 tons or 46.42 percent of the PI that has been given as much as 349,290 tons.

This year, the total imports of garlic set are 669,526 tons. This data was revealed in a coordination meeting on inflation at the Ministry of Home Affairs, Tuesday, June 7.

Previously, the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) had issued a warning letter to importers who did not carry out import realizations, in this case aimed at three importers who owned the import of raw crystal sugar (GKM) to be processed into white crystal sugar because they had not realized their imports at all.

Director of Basic Necessities and Important Materials of the Ministry of Trade Bambang Wisnubroto said the warning letter was an effort by the Government to accelerate the realization of sugar to meet national needs.

"We have issued a warning letter to three importers who own the Raw Crystal Sugar Import Approval to be Processed into White Crystal Sugar, which until the end of April 2024 has not realized its imports at all," said Bambang in a virtual Inflation Control Meeting in Jakarta, Monday (27/5).

The three warning letters were given to PT Sukses Persistent Sejahtera, PT Gunung Madu Plantations, and PT Pemukasakti Manis beautiful.

In addition to giving a warning, the Ministry of Trade also continues to coordinate with the National Food Agency (Bapanas) to encourage importers who already have an Consumption Sugar Import Approval to immediately realize imports, process imports of raw crystal sugar and immediately distribute it to the public.

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