JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) as well as Commissioner of the Public Housing Savings Management Agency (Tapera) Basuki Hadimuljono had expressed regret because he participated in the socialization of Tapera contributions.

Then, this provoked anger from a number of parties, especially for workers.

"So, with this effort with anger (community) I think I really regret it," said Basuki after the Working Meeting with Commission V of the Indonesian House of Representatives, on Thursday, June 6.

The media crew immediately asked what the statement meant today, Friday, June 7. However, Basuki did not give a firm answer about the meaning of his regret.

Basuki only replied that he would definitely obey the rules and regulations and report all of his performance to President Joko Widodo (Jokowi).

"I think maybe I am the person, yes. But, I will follow the rules. I will report it to the President (Joko Widodo)," he said at his office, Friday, June 7.

In addition, Basuki also saw the commotion that arose in the community towards Tapera contributions because it involved trust issues.

Therefore, Basuki ensured that the funds raised by BP Tapera would not be used to build infrastructure projects.

This is because, he said, the government has allocated a separate State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) to build housing programs.

"I guarantee infrastructure, especially what PUPR builds, it will definitely (not use Tapera contributions)," he said.

Furthermore, Basuki gave an example of several housing programs financed by the PUPR State Budget, such as Housing Financing Liquidity Facilities (FLPP), Subsidy Housing Ownership Loans for Marjin Differences (KPR SSM) to Face-to-Face Assistance Subsidies (SBUM).

According to Basuki, the Ministry of PUPR has allocated a budget of Rp. 105 trillion for housing programs. The budget, he said, was accumulated based on calculations from the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu). "That's all calculated by the Ministry of Finance," he added.

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