JAKARTA - Minister of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) Basuki Hadimuljono responded to the mandatory payment plan for Public Housing Savings (Tapera) which was protested by the public. Basuki said the progress was not necessary.
Basuki revealed that initially the government had been drafting regulations regarding Tapera since 2016. Then, he and the Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani Indrawati checked credibility, until finally the collection of contributions was postponed to 2027.
"Actually (Tapera) it is, right, the law is from 2016. Then, we and the Minister of Finance first foster credibility, this is a matter of trust. So, we have postponed this until 2027. In my opinion, personally, if this is not ready, why should it be rushed," he said when met by reporters after the Working Meeting with Commission V DPR RI, Thursday, June 6.
Meanwhile, said Basuki, there is a Housing Financing Liquidity Facility (FLPP) program with funds of IDR 105 trillion from the APBN for BP Tapera. Meanwhile, funds from Tapera contributions for 10 years will only be collected IDR 50 trillion.
"It must be noted that the state budget has so far been disbursed for IDR 105 trillion for FLPP, interest subsidies. Meanwhile, for this Tapera, maybe in 10 years, I can collect IDR 50 trillion. So, with this anger, I think I regret it right," he said.
Therefore, he continued, when the DPR and the MPR proposed that Tapera be postponed, Basuki agreed to this. According to Basuki, the program must see the readiness of the community.
"So if there is a proposal from the DPR, for example, the chairman of the MPR for (the mandatory Tapera contributions) is postponed. In my opinion, I have been in contact with the Minister of Finance (Sri Mulyani) as well, we will (Agree) it," he said.
As for the working meeting with Commission V of the DPR RI, a number of council members questioned this matter. One of them was Member of Commission V of the DPR, PDIP faction Irine Yusiana Roba Putri, who said Basuki was not firm in responding to the Tapera issue.
"If you ask Tapera, the answer is not firm," he said.
Irine also criticized the cut in employee salaries for Tapera. According to him, subsidies are a state obligation, not citizens.
Meanwhile, Chairman of Commission V DPR RI Lasarus said that his party would make a special schedule to discuss the issue of the Tapera mandatory dues.
"I think this Tapera issue has become crowded. We will have a special agenda for this Tapera, we have a special meeting related to Tapera so that it will be completed because we have received a lot of questions," he said.
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