JAKARTA - Commissioner of the Public Housing Savings Management Agency (BP Tapera) Heru Pudyo Nugroho revealed that he did not know that a 3 percent salary reduction policy had begun to be implemented.

He emphasized that currently BP Tapera is still in the process of improving the quality of internal governance, organization, and business so that there are no plans to issue technical regulations related to the collection scheme for new participant deposits.

Therefore, there has been no cut in workers' salaries for Tapera deposits.

"Currently, there is no collection of new membership deposits, including ASN or non-ASN," he said at a press conference at the BP Tapera Office, Wednesday, June 5.

Heru added that BP Tapera only manages money from 2 sources of funds, namely from the allocation fund for the State Revenue and Expenditure Budget (APBN) for Housing Financing Liquidity Facilities (FLPP) and funds for civil servants participants of the former Civil Servant Housing Savings Advisory Agency (Bapertarum).

So that there is no fund management from the new Tapera participants.

Meanwhile, the Director General of Treasury of the Ministry of Finance Astera Primanto Bhakti explained that until now the salaries of ASNs have not been cut for Tapera deposits because there are no implementation regulations from the Ministry of Finance.

"When it comes to ASN, it is the Minister of Finance who has the right to issue implementation regulations. The minister has not yet issued this. Because we know this is a fund management institution, and this fund management institution cannot directly refer to the settlement," he explained.

Regarding the mechanism for cutting ASN salaries, said Astera, his party still does not know when it will be carried out because it is still waiting for the issuance of technical rules for implementation.

"Untuk kondisi saat ini masih dalam kondisi penyiiapan, kita masih belum tahu kapan kalau untuk yang ASN. Karena kita masih long way to go untuk menerapkan itu," tuturnya.

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