JAKARTA - The Indonesian Bishops' Conference (KWI) emphasized that it would not accept the government's offer to provide opportunities for community organizations (ormas) to manage mines that are contained in PP 25/2024.

The Secretary of the Justice and Peace Commission, Migrant and Partau and the Integrity of the KWI, Marthen Jenarut, said that as a religious institution, KWI's affairs and roles are only related to the duties of service simplicity, reporters, worship and the spirit of Christianity.

"In the context of the state's offer that religious institutions will be given or become holders of WIUP/IUP, KWI behaves preferential and consistent attitudes as religious institutions that carry out journalists and services in order to realize a dignified joint living system," he said when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, June 5.

He emphasized that KWI always adheres to the principle of prudence so that all actions and decisions taken do not conflict with the principles of service of the Catholic Church which upholds human dignity, justice of solidarity, subsidiarity, public welfare and maintains the integrity of the universe.

As a religious institution, Marthen also said that KWI prefers to critically monitor and wisely the various developments that are currently underway.

Moreover, he said, the unknown Catholic Church of Religious Organizations and KWI did not create a mass organization and or there was a mass organization whose position was below the KWI structural line.

"Catholic churches really hope that mass organizations with Catholic names will obey the principles of spirituality and social teachings of the Catholic Church in every action," concluded Marthen.

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