JAKARTA - The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) has proposed an additional amount of subsidy for certain types of diesel fuel (JBT).

In a Working Meeting (Raker) with Commission VII DPR RI, Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arifin Tasrif proposed an additional IDR 1,000 to IDR 3,000 per liter in the 2025 State Revenue and Expenditure Budget Draft (RAPBN).

"In the 2025 FY RAPBN, we propose a Fixed Subsidy for Solar Oil of IDR 1,000 IDR 3,000 per liter," said Arifin, Wednesday, June 5.

Arifin continued, this needs to be done considering that the economic price of diesel oil reaches IDR 12,100 per liter while the Retail Selling Price is IDR 6,800 per liter.

For information, currently diesel oil is still widely used for land transportation, sea transportation, trains, fishery businesses, agricultural businesses, micro-enterprises, and public services, so efforts are needed to maintain the retail selling price of diesel oil.

"In the context of efficiency and so that diesel oil subsidies are right on target, support is needed to increase the role of BPH Migas, PT Pertamina, and the local government in controlling and supervising subsidized fuel consumption through digitalization programs and or supervision in the field," continued Arifin.

On the same occasion, Arifin also said that his party proposed solar volume in 2025 of 18.33 million KL to 19.44 million KL.

"Regarding the amount of subsidies to remain Solar, the Government is considering the development of macroeconomic indicators, especially the ICP and the Rupiah exchange rate," said Arifin.

Previously, the proposed increase in the amount of subsidies was also submitted by the President Director of Pertamina Patra Niaga (PPN) Riva Siahaan.

According to Riva, Pertamina still has to bear a compensation value of IDR 5,000 per liter before being paid by the government

"Regarding JBT diesel, we would like to submit a request for support to conduct a review of the subsidy figure, where currently the subsidy figure in the formula is Rp1,000," said Riva, quoted Wednesday, May 29.

Riva said that the thing that burdens Pertamina is when the company must bear it first before being paid back by the Government which has an impact on the company's financial burden.

"So please get support to get a recount, because the compensation rate itself has reached approximately Rp. 5,000 per liter," Riva continued.

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